Page:Commentaries of Ishodad of Merv, volume 1.djvu/53

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MATTHEW 1. 1—6

Samuel, although it shows about many things that took place after the death of Samuel; so also the book of the Birth is called the Evangel; and G. B. p. 56 this also it is right to know, that the beginning of the Gospel is the Baptism of the Christ, but those things that happened from His conception until His baptism are added as adjuncts with it of the Gospel; for the Gospel is also explained as the good news, and the good news begins with the Baptism, so therefore also Mark begins with it; and also Matthew and Luke, after they have taught briefly the things relating to the Birth, then p. ܝܐ approach the Baptism. And even John also, after he has taught about the Divinity of the only begotten in the commencement of his book, begins from the Baptism of John. John, it is said, bare witness of Him, etc.

And it is asked. Whether it is assumed about Jesus the Christ, or about David, that He is the Son of Abraham? John Chrysostomos said that he calls Jesus the Christ the Son of Abraham, as he calls Him the Son of David. Jesus, it is said, is the Son of David, and of Abraham. But the Interpreter[1] says that he calls David the son of Abraham; as if the word were to stand so; Jesus the Christ was the Son of David, but David of Abraham, although behold. He was the Son of both of them.

And it is asked, why he names these two persons specially? Gen. 18. 18 Because the promises about the Messiah were to Abraham first, that in thy Gen. is. 18 seed, it is said, all nations shall be blessed. Abraham, however, first, after the inclination to evil, turned from the idea of heathenism to know God, etc. Ps. 89. 36 But afterwards they were renewed to David; His seed, it is said, shall endure for ever, and his throne shall be established as the sun. The Evangelist therefore, wishing to shew that the promises and assurances to the righteous are already fulfilled and completed, put the names of the Fathers as a preface at the beginning of his writing, for the reproof of the wicked and the encouragement of believers.

The Book of the generation of Jesus the Christ. Jesus is a name, f. 5 a by adoption from human nature, but according to the meaning, the translation of His name is, the Saviour God; but the Christ is a name of honour; that is to say, of unity; God the Anointer, and Man the Anointed. His assumption is by grace, and His Sonship is natural. p. ܝܒ The things of Abraham were types of the conversion of the erring Gentiles, etc.; and the things of David were types of those of the Son Ephraim Diatessaron, p. 35 (Mösinger) of David. David was persecuted by Saul, as also the Son was by Herod. Priests were killed because of David, and children because of our Lord, Abiathar escaped from among the priests, and John from among the