Page:Compendium of US Copyright Office Practices, II (1984).pdf/144

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Photographs, holograms, and individual slides. (cont'd)
Registration requirements. (cont'd)
In the case of holography, original authorship depends largely upon the selection, arrange­ment, and disposition of scene and object.

Uncopyrightable works. Where images are produced through the operation of mechanical or photomechanical processes with no appreciable element of artistic expression, the work is not registrable.


A microfilm merely reproducing public domain textual matter is not registrable.
The photocopy of a public domain pictorial work is not registrable.
Maps. The term "map" refers to cartographic representations of area. Common examples include terrestrial maps and atlases, marine charts, celes­tial maps, and such three-dimensional works as globes and relief models.
Registration requirements. To be regis­trable, a map must contain at least a certain minimum amount of original carto­graphic material. Examples of original cartographic material include drawings or pictorial representations of area based on original surveying or cartographic field work and compilations resulting from the original selection and arrangement of essentially cartographic features, such as roads, lakes or rivers, cities, political or geographic boundaries, and the like.
Compilations and derivative works. The preparation of many maps involves the use of previously published source material to a significant degree, and the copyrightable