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From Adam to Moses.

1. [1]In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. He said, 'Let them he made,' and they were made. In six days God made the whole world — the sun, moon, and stars; the plants, trees, and animals; and, last of all. He made man to His own image and likeness. The first man was called Adam, and the first woman Eve. They were just and holy, and the favorites of God. They lived happy in a delicious garden called Paradise, and they and their descendants were never to die.

2. [2]God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree that stood in the midst of the garden, lest they should die. But the serpent said to them: 'If you eat thereof, you shall be as Gods.' Adam and Eve believed the serpent, and broke the command of God. For this sin of disobedience punishment immediately came upon them and all their descendants. They were driven from the garden of Paradise, were doomed to

  1. 1. How did God create Heaven and Earth? In how many days did He create all things? When did He create man? How did He distinguish man from the other creatures? What were the names of the first man and woman? Were they also liable to sin, as we are? Where did they live? Were they and their children ever to die?
  2. 2. What commandment did God give to Adam and Eve? What did the serpent tell them? What did Adam and Eve do? Were they punished for it? Were they alone punished? What punishment came upon them? Did God then abandon them? What did he promise them?