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God says: 'I would thou wert cold or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth ' (Apoc. iii. 15, 16).

The effects of sloth in general are: Neglect of the duties of our calling, ruin of property, lying, deceit, effeminacy, and a great many sins against the Sixth and Seventh Commandments. 'Idleness hath taught much evil' (Ecclus. xxxiii. 29). ' Go to the ant, O sluggard, and consider her ways, and learn wisdom' (Prov. vi. 6). The effects of Spiritual Sloth, or Lukewarmness, are: Aversion to all religious exercises, contempt of the word of God and of all means of grace, irritation at salutary admonitions, love of the world, pusillanimity, impenitence, infidelity. — Examples: The slothful servant; the foolish virgins (Matt. XXV.).

28. What benefit should we reap from the doctrine of the Capital Sins?

We should carefully avoid them as the sources of all evil, and most earnestly endeavor to acquire the opposite virtues.

Application. Every morning, when you get up, resolve to guard most carefully during the day against your chief fault. At night examine your conscience on it; and if you have failed, repent, and purpose to confess it as soon as possible.

§3. The different kinds of Sin (continued).

29. Which are the Six Sins against the Holy Ghost?

1. Presumption of God's mercy; 2. Despair; 3. Resisting the known Christian truth; 4. Envy at another's spiritual good; 5. Obstinacy in sin; and 6. Final impenitence.

Examples: Cain, Pharao, the Pharisees, Elymas the magician (Acts xiii.).

30. Why are they called sins against the Holy Ghost?

Because by them we resist, in an especial manner, the Holy Ghost, since we knowingly and willingly despise, reject, or abuse His grace.

'You stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you