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other with the charity of brotherhood. Rejoice with them that rejoice; weep with them that weep' (Rom. xii. 10, 15).

24. What is ' Diligence '?

Diligence is a virtue which enables us to serve God readily and cheerfully, to promote His honor as much as lies in our power, and faithfully to perform all our duties.

Examples: Mathathias (1 Mac. ii.); St. Paul (Philip, iii. 13, 14). 'In carefulness [be] not slothful; in spirit fervent; serving the Lord' (Rom. xii. 11;.

Application. Unless you perseveringly struggle with your wicked inclinations, you will never acquire the Christian Virtues; therefore fight faithfully until death, and God will give you the crown of life (Apoc. ii. 10).

§ 2. On Christian Perfection.

25. Why should we all endeavor to attain the perfection suitable to our condition?

1. Because our Lord and Saviour says to all: 'Be you perfect, as also your Heavenly Father is perfect' (Matt, v. 48);

2. Because we are commanded to love God with our whole heart, and with our whole soul, and with our whole mind, and with our whole strength (Mark xii. 30);

3. Because the more holy our life is upon earthy the greater will be our happiness in Heaven; and

4. Because we easily fall into grievous sin, and finally run into eternal perdition, if we do not continually endeavor to increase in virtue (Matt. xxv. 29).

26. In what does Christian Perfection consist?

Christian Perfection consists in this: that, free from all inordinate love of the world and of ourselves, we love God above all, and all in God.

' What have I in Heaven? and besides Thee what do I desire upon earth? Thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever' (Psalm lxxii, 25, 26).