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Published by Felt & Tarrant Maufacturing Co., Chicago, U.S.A.
Frank T. Hess, Editor

Volume 1
Chicago, December, 1926
Number 1

THE officials of the Comptometer company have long had a friendly desire to know in a more intimate way the thousands of Comptometer operators who have graduated from our schools scattered throughout the world. We are all one big family, working together to carry our portion of the tremendous figuring burden of industry, and it would be a very fine thing if we could know each other better.

The Comptometer family has grown year after year to the point where it is now of huge proportions—there are operators in almost every civilized country in the world, speaking many different languages.

In Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America and in far-away Australia, there are Comptometer schools, and Comptometer operators, who no doubt can tell us of interesting experiences.

It will be the purpose of this little magazine to bring into closer touch all these widely separated members of the Comptometer family. From time to time we will run pictures and interesting stories of our over-seas cousins.

Through the courtesy of Signor Ferraris we are running in this issue some pictures and a story of the Comptometer battery in the Fiat Motor Co., Turin, Italy.


IN deciding on a color scheme for the cover of this issue of the News, it occurred to us that we could use the colors of the new Model J. on which we have heard so much favorable comment.

Of course the principle difference in the Model J is its easy key-action; but in addition to the green and cream colors on the bronze background being very restful to the eye, it makes a very pleasing color combination.—Ed.

Copyright 1926, Felt Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago, U. S. A.