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Jan., 1914 NOTES ON NESTING OF THE SHARP-SHINNED HAWK 23 young bird in a nearby tree. After I had climbed three trees it finally escaped in a dense thicket and I gave up the chase. The mother bird would alight quite near while I was climbing for the young, and utter a plaintive "cheap, cheap". I carried the two young hawks to the edge of the thicket and perching them on a dead limb made several negatives of them. I brought the txvo captives home with me and put them in a large cage to note further developments. On the 3oth of July I again visited the nesting site, and discovered the three remaining young hawks perched near the top of a tall dead tree about thirty yards from the nest tree busy preening their feathers. Considerable down was hanging to the limbs and occasionally a bit would float away on the breeze. I re- mained hidden nearby all the afternoon observing the young through glasses. The .,jr Fig. 16. "HANDS OFF"--A CHARACTERISTIC POSE; AGED 23 DAYS; PI-IOTOGRAPHI/?,D JULY 26; NOTE DEVELOPMENT OF PLUMAGE old birds were away, no doubt foraging in the interests of their hungry offspring. Late in the afternoon I heard one of the old birds call and had just caught a glimpse of its wings when all the young uttered a faiut "cheep, cheep", and flew to a tree some distance off. After a short time t?vo of the young returned to the dead tree: one remained a?vay some time, finally returning to the other t?vo. I remained quite late but observed no further evidences of feeding, so returned home. On the ?st of August the last down had disappeared from the captive birds, that being on top of the head. They seemed to stand captivity very well but re- mained extremely wild. I kept their cage hung well up in a tree, and fed them exclusively on raw beef, three ounces for both birds at a meal, morning and eve-