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Young Cassin Vireos (frontispiece) Herman. T. Bohlman 60
Two Vireos Caught with a Camera(frontispiece and 4 halftones) William L. Finley 61
A Remarkable Flight of Louisiana Tanagers W. Otto Emerson 64
The Harris Hawk on His Nesting Ground (halftone) Florence Merriam Bailey 66
Stray Notes from Southern Arizona F. H. Fowler 68
The California Yellow Warbler Joseph Grinnell 71
Nesting Dates for Birds in the Denver District, Colorado Fred M. Dille 73

Bird Notes from Eastern California and Western Arizona (xst installment) ...Frank Stephens 75 A Strange Nesting Site ot Calypte anna (2 hafttones) .................... IV. Lee Chambers 7 8 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: twelve short communications from IVilliamAlansonBryan, Lyrnan Belding, C. S. Sharp, Fred 2r. Dille, dr. B. Feudge, dr. Grinnell, C. Littlejohn, . E. Schutze, fir. t(ofaM, and H. C. drohnson .............. ..................... 79, 8% 8x NOTES: editorial notices, news notes, obituary .......................................... 85 Entered January I6, I9o3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. Handbook of Birds of the Western United States Author of "Bit& of Village and Field," etc. Wi 33 full-pa plates by uis Agassiz Fuertea and or text illustmfionh .5 o net. Fge x 9 cent. "e work is e mt complete text-k of regiol omitology which h ever been publiahed."r. Frank . Chain in Bird-Le. "An invalble contribution Amea orniolo. No student of bird life in the West can afford to be wigout it."Cicago ecd HeraM. TRUE BIIKD STOIKIES By OLIVE Tl!OIIIE MILLEI Thirty-four stories of Mrs. Miller's leathered friends, told in a way most entertaining to young people. With full-page illustration and a colored frontispiece by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. x2 too, lx.oo, net. Postpaid lgx.o8. Houghton, Mifflin & C0., Boston and New York