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He took the cloth, tied a large knot at one end, with a piece of silver inserted in it; this he held in his left hand, the plain end being in his right, and about as much space between them as would nearly compass a man's neck: the closed hands had the palms uppermost.

"Now," said he, "mark this; and when you throw the cloth from behind, and have got it tight, suddenly turn your knuckles into the neck, giving a sharp wrench to either side that may be most convenient. If done in a masterly manner, instant death ensues."

I took the cloth, and held it as he directed, but it did not please him.

"Give it me back, that I may show you more exactly on your own neck," said he.

"Indeed, no," cried I, laughing; "you might think I was a traveller, and have me down in an instant, without intending it; but I perfectly understand the method."

"Then try it on me, Ameer Ali; I shall see by the position of your hands whether you know anything about it."

I obeyed him; the old man shook his head and laughed.

"That will never do; you could not kill a child in that way," he said: "when you feel