Page:Copy of a letter, written by the Rev. Mr. William Barlas.pdf/7

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bad effects. Mind, by these I abide. I told you then, too, that not with standing pretences, you knew the time of your delivery as well as ever any woman did; for no entreaty would persuade you to stay at New Deer. Putting all your conduct together, it constitutes the most complicated and consummate wickedness to be found in the annals of the human race. Oh, what an inconceivable load of guilt lies on you! Oh, what a hideous monster of wickedness and deceit! Is there a God? is he righteous and just? Yes, yes. Continuing as you are, you will not only perish, but the common damned will shun your society, as fiends less foul. I might address you as Paul did Elymas the sorcerer, Acts xii, 10.; "O! full of all subtility," &c. And what have you gained? You have gratified the pride of your relations by accusing me, and even that poorly; for not one in an hundred but sees the plot, and holds them and you in abhorrence; the country at large abominates you, and your band; hereafter your relations themselves will, by all appearance, curse you to your face bitterly without ceasing! It is no light matter to tear a minister from his office and from his charge!!! Inasmuch will the exalted. Judge one day say in your hearing, "As you did it to the least of these, ye did it unto me." Oh what a large gnawing worm will pounce on your heart and conscience to all eternity, by all appearance!—I want no answer from you: my eyes, I think, shall never look upon any thing wrote by you. It was a piece of unparalleld cruelty and wickedness in you, to write to this house, and at the roup: my eyes never saw it from the time it was given in, as well as a hint, that some heard from your friend who carried it, that it was suspected to be from some of the band; it was taken and burnt unread before witness: witnesses who saw it given, opened, and burnt, in one minute of time.If you have any thing to write, either acquit-