Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/339

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the registration of any work subject to copyright, Fees deposited under the provisions of this Act, one dollar, which sum is to include a certificate of registration under seal: Provided, That in the case of photographs the fee shall be fifty cents where a certificate is not demanded. For every additional certificate of regis- tration made, fifty cents. For recording and certify- ing any instrument of writing for the assignment of copyright, or any such license specified in section one, subsection (e), or for any copy of such assignment or license, duly certified, if not over three hundred words in length, one dollar; if more than three hundred and less than one thousand words in length, two dollars; if more than one thousand words in length, one dollar additional for each one thousand words or fraction thereof over three hundred words. For recording the notice of user or acquiescence specified in section one, subsection (e), twenty-five cents for each notice if not over fifty words, and an additional twenty-five cents for each additional one hundred words. For compar- ing any copy of an assignment with the record of such document in the copyright office and certifying the same under seal, one dollar. For recording the exten- sion or renewal of copyright provided for in sections twenty-three and twenty-four of this Act, fifty cents. For recording the transfer of the proprietorship of copyrighted articles, ten cents for each title of a book or other article, in addition to the fee prescribed for recording the instrument of assignment. For any requested search of copyright office records, indexes, or deposits, fifty cents for each full hour of time con- sumed in making such search: Provided, That only Only one one registration at one fee shall be required in the registration case of several volumes of the same book deposited "'""^ at the same time." The organization of the Copyright Office under the