Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/446

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Greece Greece originally provided for copyright protection under its penal code of 1833, with a term of fifteen years subject to royal extension. By the law of 1867 the printer of a work was required to deposit with the National Library two copies within ten days of publication, failure involving a fine of at least ten drachmas, but not forfeiture of copyright; and to this requirement was added by the law of 1910 a third copy for the Library of Parliament and a fourth for the local public library, with authority to transmit through the post. A dramatic copyright law of 1909 specifically covers playright, making the term life and forty years and preventing modification of a play by an assignee. Greece has no international relations.

Montenegro Montenegro, though it has no specific domestic copyright law, and only gives uncertain protection under its customary law and civil code of 1888, has treaties with France (1902) and Italy (1900). It had acceded to the Berne convention July 1, 1893, and accepted the Paris acts, but withdrew from the International Copyright Union April 1, 1900, "from motives of economy."

and other

The Balkan states are led in copyright protection by Roumania, possibly owing to the influence of the literary queen "Carmen Sylva," which country, under the press law of 1862 and penal code of 1864, has protected copyright and playright, including probably translation, for life and ten years. Written registration is required at the Ministry of Instruction, and deposit of four copies was also required, though not on penalty of forfeiture of copyright. A later law, of 1904, repeals the deposit requirement. Roumania has copyright treaties with Belgium (1910), France (1907), these on the "most favored nation" basis, Austria (1908) and Italy (1906). Bulgaria and Servia seem to give no protection, except that accorded in Bulgaria