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NO. 14 OF 2010


Purpose of inquiry

27.—(1) The purpose of an inquiry into the death of any person is to inquire into the cause of and circumstances connected with the death and, for that purpose, the proceedings and evidence at the inquiry must be directed to ascertaining the following matters in so far as they may be ascertained:

(a) the identity of the deceased; and
(b) how, when and where the deceased came by his death.

(2) A Coroner at an inquiry shall not frame a finding in such a way as to determine any question of criminal, civil or disciplinary liability but shall not be inhibited in the discharge of his functions by any likelihood of liability being inferred from facts that he determines or recommendations that he makes.

(3) At the conclusion of the inquiry, the Coroner shall record his findings as to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1).

Pre-inquiry review

28.—(1) A pre-inquiry review may be held by a Coroner before the commencement of an inquiry.

(2) The purpose of a pre-inquiry review is to settle the following matters with a view to expediting the inquiry:

(a) the filing of the investigation papers and any post-mortem examination report or special examination report made under section 20 for the inquiry;
(b) any issues of fact or law for the inquiry;
(c) the witnesses to be called to the inquiry;
(d) the filing of any conditioned statements to be admitted in evidence in the inquiry;
(e) the date of the inquiry; and