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- 118 - CHAPTER 5

Large parts of this book are about creation, both how it works from a legal perspective and, more practically, how we learn by making and creating something. In this section we will explore and practice how to create and share OER so they can have the biggest impact and be used without any legal or technical barriers.

A big part of any educator’s work is preparing, updating, and combining learning materials. Making those materials open requires just a few additional steps, and it’s easier than you think. What are those steps? What should you consider and expect when you want to create and publish your resources in the open?

When we share our education resources as OER, we share our best practices, our expertise, our challenges and solutions. Education is about sharing. And when we share our work with more people, we become better educators.


  • Imagine how your OER will work in practice
  • Understand how to select CC licenses for your resources
  • Examine your open license decision for compatibility (i. e., can it be remixed) with other OER
  • Identify the needs and challenges to improving OER accessibility for everyone

Personal Reflection: Why It Matters To You
What kind of learning resources do you create now? Do you publish or share these resources with other people for feedback? Which of your resources do you think could benefit fellow educators, learners, researchers, and libraries? If you choose to share, how much freedom do you want to give to others; in other words, what permissions will you allow for others to reuse your work?

For an introduction on why it is important to share your work as an OER, watch the video Open Education Matters: Why Is It Important to Share Content? | CC BY 3.0