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n3or (167), n4ot (163); t1ube (171), t2ub (172), b3ull (173); 3o2il (299); p3o3und (313); thin (466), this (469).

Aerology, 1a-2ur-4ol′l1o-j1e. s. (556)

The doctrine of the air.

Aeromancy, 1a2ur-1o-m4an-s1e. s. (519)

The art of divining by the air.

Aerometry, 1a-2ur-4om′m1e-tr1e. s. (518)

The art of measuring the air.

Aeronaut, 1a2ur-1o-n3awt. s.

One who sails through the air. Mason.

Aeroscopy, 1a-2ur-4os′k1o-p1e. s. (518)

The observation of the air.

Aethiops-mineral, 1eth1e-2ups-m2in′2ur-r4al. s.

A medicine so called, from its dark colour, made of quicksilver and sulphur ground together in a marble mortar.

Aetites, 1e-t1i′t1ez. s.


Afar, 4a-f2ar′. a.

At a great distance; to a great distance.

Afeard, 4a-f1erd′. part. a.

Frightened, terrified, afraid.

Afer, 1a′f2ur. s. (98)

The south-west wind.

Affability, 4af-f4a-b1il′l1e-t1e. s.

Easiness of manners; courteousness, civility, condescension.

Affable, 4af′f4a-bl. a. (405)

Easy of manners, courteous, complaisant.

Affableness, 4af′f4a-bl-n2ess′. s.

Courtesy, affability.

Affably, 4af′f4a-bl1e. ad.

Courteously, civilly.

Affabrous, 4af′f4a-br2us. a.

Skilfully made, complete.

Affair, 4af-f1are′. s.

Business, something to be managed or transacted.

To Affear, 4af-f1ere′. v. n. (227)

To confirm, to establish.

Affect, 4af-f2ekt′. s.

Affection, passion, sensation.

To Affect, 4af-f2ekt′. v. a.

To act upon, to produce effects in any other thing; to move the passions; to aim at, to aspire to; to be fond of, to be pleased with, to love; to practise the appearance of any thing, with some degree of hypocrisy; to imitate in an unnatural and constrained manner.

Affectation, 4af-f2ek-t1a′sh2un. s.

The act of making an artificial appearance, awkward imitation.

Affected, 4af-f2ek′t2ed. part. a.

Moved, touched with affection; studied with over-much care; in a personal sense, full of affectation, as, an affected lady.

Affectedly, 4af-f2ek′t2ed-l1e. ad.

In an affected manner, hypocritically.

Affectedness, 4af-f2ek′t2ed-n2ess. s.

The quality of being affected.

Affection, 4af-f2ek′sh2un. s.

The state of being affected by any cause, or agent; passion of any kind; love, kindness, good-will to some person.

Affectionate, 4af-f2ek′sh2un-1ate. a.

Full of affection, warm, zealous; fond, tender.

Affectionately, 4af-f2ek′sh2un-1ate-l1e. ad. (91)

Fondly, tenderly.

Affectionateness, 4af-f2ek′sh2un-1ate-n2ess. s.

Fondness, tenderness, good-will.

Affectioned, 4af-f2ek′sh2und. a.

Affected, conceited; inclined, mentally disposed. (359)

Affectiously, 4af-f2ek′sh2us-l1e. ad.

In an affecting manner.

Affective, 4af-f2ek′t2iv. a.

That which affects, which strongly touches.

Affectuosity, 4af-f2ek-tsh1u-4os′s1e-t1e. s.


Affectuous, 4af-f2ek′tsh1u-2us. a.

Full of passion. (464)

To Affere, 4af-f1ere′. v. a.

A law term, signifying to confirm.

Affiance, 4af-f1i4anse. s.

A marriage contract; trust in general, confidence; trust in the divine promises and protection.

To Affiance, 4af-f1i4anse. v. a.

To betroth, to bind any one by promise to marriage; to give confidence.

Affiancer, 4af-f1i4an-s2ur. s.

He that makes a contract of marriage between two parties.

Affidation, 4af-f1e-d1a′sh2un. Affidature, 4af-f1e-d1a′tsh1ure. s.

Mutual contract, mutual oath of fidelity.

Affidavit, 4af-f1e-d1a′v2it. s.

A declaration upon oath.

Affied, 4af-f1i2ed. part. a.

Joined by contract, affianced. (362)

Affiliation, 4af-f2il-l1e-1a′sh2un. s.


Affinage, 4af′f1e-n1aje. s. (90)

The act of refining metals by the cupel.

Affined, 4af-f1i′n2ed. a. (362)

Related to another.

Affinity, 4af-f2in′n1e-t1e. s. (511)

Relation by marriage; relation to, connection with.

To Affirm, 4af-f2erm′. v. n. (108)

To declare, to assert confidently, opposed to the word deny.

Affirm, 4af-f2erm′. v. a.

To ratify or approve a former law, or judgement.

Affirmable, 4af-f2er′m4a-bl. a.

That which may be affirmed.

Affirmance, 4af-f2er′m4anse. s.

Confirmation, opposed to repeal.

Affirmant, 4af-f2er′m4ant. s.

The person that affirms.

Affirmation, 4af-f2er-m1a′sh2un. s.

The act of affirming or declaring, opposed to negation; the position affirmed; confirmation, opposed to repeal.

Affirmative, 4af-f2er′m4a-t2iv. a. (158)

That which affirms, opposed to negative; that which can or may be affirmed.

Affirmatively, 4af-f2er′m4a-t2iv-l1e. ad.

On the positive side, not negatively.

Affirmer, 4af-f2er′m2ur. s. (98)

The person that affirms.

To Affix, 4af-f2iks′. v. a.

To unite to the end, to subjoin.

Affix, 4af′f2iks. s. (492)

A particle united to the end of a word.

Affixion, 4af-f2ik′sh2un. s.

The act of affixing; the state of being affixed.

Afflation, 4af-fl1a′sh2un. s.

The act of breathing upon any thing.

Afflatus, 4af-fl1a′t2us. s.

Communication of the power of prophecy.

To Afflict, 4af-fl2ikt′. v. a.

To put to pain, to grieve, to torment.

Afflictedness, 4af-fl2ik′t2ed-n2ess. s.

Sorrowfulness, grief.

Afflicter, 4af-fl2ik′t2ur. s. (98)

The person that afflicts.

Affliction, 4af-fl2ik′sh2un. s.

The cause of pain or sorrow, calamity; the state of sorrowfulness, misery.

Afflictive, 4af-fl2ik′t2iv. a. (158)

Painful, tormenting.

Affluence, 4af′fl1u-2ense. s.

The act of flowing to any place, concourse; exuberance of riches, plenty.

Affluency, 4af′fl1u-2en-s1e. s.

The same with affluence.

Affluent, 4af′fl1u-2ent. a.

Flowing to any part; abundant, exuberant, wealthy.

Affluentness, 4af′fl1u-2ent-n2ess. s.

The quality of being affluent.

Afflux, 4af′fl2uks. s.

The act of flowing to some place, affluence; that which flows to any place.

Affluxion, 4af-fl2uk′sh2un. s.

The act of flowing to a particular place; that which flows from one place to another.

To Afford, 4af-f1ord′. v. a.

To yield or produce; to grant, or confer any thing; to be able to sell; to be able to bear expences.

To Afforest, 4af-f4or′r2est. v. a. (109) (168)

To turn ground into forest.

To Affranchise, 4af-fr4an′tsh2iz. v. a. (140)

To make free.

To Affray, 4af-fr1a′. v. a.

To fright, to terrify.

Affray, 4af-fr1a′. s.

A tumultuous assault of one or more persons upon others.

Affriction, 4af-fr2ik′sh2un. s.

The act of rubbing one thing upon another.

To Affright, 4af-fr1ite′. v. a.

To affect with fear, to terrify.

Affright, 4af-fr1ite′. s. (393)

Terror, fear.

Affrightful, 4af-fr1ite′f3ul. a.

Full of affright or terror, terrible.

Affrightment, 4af-fr1ite′m2ent. s.

The impression of fear, terror; the state of fearfulness.

To Affront, 4af-fr2unt′. v. a. (165)

To meet face to face, to encounter; to provoke by an open insult, to offend avowedly.

Affront, 4af-fr2unt′. s.

Insult offered to the face; outrage, act of contempt.

Affronter, 4af-fr2un′t2ur. s. (98)

The person that affronts.

Affronting, 4af-fr2un′t2ing. part. a.

That which has the quality of affronting.

To Affuse, 4af-f1uze′. v. a.

To pour one thing upon another.

Affusion, 4af-f1u′zh2un. s.

The act of affusing.

To Affy, 4af-f1i′. v. a.

To betroth in order to marriage.

To Affy, 4af-f1i′. v. n.

To put confidence in, to put trust in.

Afield, 4a-f1e1eld′. ad. (275)

To the field.

Aflat, 4a-fl4at′. ad.

Level with the ground.

Afloat, 4a-fl1ote′. ad. (295)


Afoot, 4a-f3ut′. ad. (307)

On foot, not on horseback; in action, as, a design is afoot.