Page:Curtis Club in Yellowstone Park.djvu/14

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Late in the afternoon the party was resting in the shade of some big evergreens on the edge of the geyser basin when one of the Park guards, an old soldier named Jake Parsons, came along and told them some interesting stories about his Indian campaigns under General Miles. They were enjoying this very much when suddenly, "Bears," yelled Jake, and all the boys jumped up at once. Then the worthy Jake roared with laughter as he assured the boys that the bears were over back of the hotel and were as tame as English sparrows. Away the boys went over to the hotel. It was near sunset and there were already two bears in sight and the darker it got the more they came out of the woods until altogether there were eleven of them. That half hour had thrills in it, I can assure you, and the next evening the boys thought to take their cameras.

The next stop was at Old Faithful Inn, in the Upper Geyser Basin not far from Old Faithful Geyser. This hotel is the largest log house in the world and probably the oddest. The boys were

Herd of Buffalo—Yellowstone National Park
One of the few remaining herds of these monarchs of the plains