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romething thicker than the finer of the diftilled ones ; it is of a pale yellow, with a, faint caft of hrov/n among it, and is, in- deed, of the very colour of the common brown amber ufed by the apothecaries. It is of a brifk, penetrating fmell, fomething like that of the chemical oil of amber, but not fo offenfive. It is extremely inflammable, and is found floating on the waters of certain fprihgs which break out at the fides of hills in Per- fia, Tartary, China, and other parts of the eaft. It feems very practicable, by means of this mineral fluid, and a proper acid, to make a fort of artificial amber, this being only a fort of fluid ' amber. The fecond kind, commonly known by the name of petroleum ■ is a thin, fubtlc, and penetrating fluid, much thinner than the yellow naphtha, and as fine as the clearefr. diftilled oils of vege- tables. It is of a very ftrong and penetrating fmell ; and is of various colours. It is naturally of a clear, fine, and bright white, and nearly as pellucid as the pureft fpring water; but it Is more frequently found brown, redifh, or blackifh. It is produced in almoff. all parts of the world : England, France, and Germany, afford it in many places, but it is moft plenti- fully found in Italy. Hill's Hift. of Foff. p. 4 1 9, feq. Naphtha has much the fame medical virtues with petroleum, only in a more remifs degree. In Perfia, it is ufed externally on many occafions, and alfo given inwardly in colics, a few drops being the dofe. See Petroleum.

NAPLES yellow, the common name in the colour fhops of Lon- don, and among our painters, for the ochre called gialloiino. SeeGiALLOLiNo.

NAPUS, navew, in botany, the name of a genus of plants, the characters of which are the fame with thole of the turnep, and which fcarce deferves to be made a different genus from it, dif- fering only in its general figure.

The fpecies ofnavnu enumerated bv Mr.Tournefort arethefe: 1. The white-rooted, manured navew. 2, The yellow -rooted, manured navetu. 3. The black-rooted, manured navtw. 4. The large!!- rooted, manured navew. And, 5. The wild na- vew. "TouruAnft. p. 229.

The feeds of napus are roundifb, of a blackifh colour, and of an acrid and biting tafte. They are accounted deterfive, in- iicive, aperitive, and digeftive, and laid to be good in malignant fevers, and the fmall pox, and are an ingredient in the Venice treacle. The root of the plant is laid to he alfo good in coughs, affhmas, and confumptions.

Nape oil is made from the feed of the napus Jylvejlris Lobelii, of- ten called navette, and the oil navctta oil. Lemerys Hift. of Drugs. See Navette.

Napus, in natural hiftory, a name given to a fpecies of valuta, approaching to the nature of the famous admiral fhell, and more commonly known by the name of the falfe admiral, or bajiard admiral. See Admiral.

NAPUT, in botany, the name given by the Norwegians to a plant whofe root is an excellent remedy for the colic. It grows plentifully in thenorthern parts of Norway, and is the conftant remedy ufed by the miners for their colics, which are particu- larly fevere. The tafte is faid to be agreeable, being at firff.

. "chewing fomewhat like a radifh, but afterwards having the fla- vour of the garden angelica. Phil. Tranf N° 1 14.

NARCAPHTHON, in the materia medica, the name given by many to the bark called cajcarilla.

NARCE, myw, a torpor, ftupor, or dullnefs of fenfation ; ufed either for a natural ftupidity, or for that ftupefaction of the feufes brought on by medicines, to alleviate the violenceof pains.

NARCISSITES, in natural hiftory, a name given by fome au- thors to a fpecies of ajleropodium from its fuppofed refemblance to the flowers of the narciffus; others have called fame of the coralloide fungufes by that name, and others a fpecies of echi- Jiitcs of the pileated kind.

. It is, however, a name that none of them have any title to, fince the refemblance will appear very fmall when nicely confidered.

NARCISSOLEUCOltJM, in botany, the name of a genus of plants, the characters of which are thefe : the flower is of the liliaceous kind, and is compofed of fix petals, fometimes equal,

- fometimes irregular in fize, and is pendulous, and of a fome- what belhfafhioned form. The cup of the flower becomes fi- nally a fruit of a roundifb. figure, divided into three cells, and containing rowndifh feeds; to^this alfo it is to be added, that the root is bulbous.

The fpecies of narciffoleucoium enumerated by Mr.Tournefort, arethefe: 1. The common nardjjokucoium. 2. The nar- c'ljbteucoium with a white expanded flower. 3. The many- flowered, late, meadow narciffoleucoium. 4. The double, ma- ny-flowered, meadow narciffoleucoium. 5. The greater, tri- foliate riaraj/ileucoium. 6. The leffer, trifoliate narciffleucoi- um. 7- The blue-flowered, trifoliate narciffoleucoium. 8. The broad leaved, autumnal narcijjolcucoium. 9. The capillaceous- leaved, autumnal narciffoleucoium. 10. The capillaccous- leaved, vernal narcijjoleucoium. Tourn. Inft. p. 387.

NARCISSUS, in botany, the name of a genus of plants, the characters of which are thefe : the flower is liliaceous, con- futing of one leaf made in a bell-like fliapc, and divided at the edge into fix fegments, furrounding its middle in manner of a crown. The cup grows out of a membranaceous hufk, and becomes at length a longifh, or roundifb. fruit, fomewhat ap- pioaching to a trigonal form ; and opening, fhews itfelf to be

compofed of three cells, which ufually contain roundifh fee<k See Tab. 1. of Botany, Clafs 9.

The fpecies of narciffus enumerated by Mr. Tournefort arc thefe: 1. The great, pale-flowered narcijjus, with hoary leaves. 2. The great, blueifh., white -flowered narciff<$, with a deep, yellow, circle. 3. The white-flowered, fcented nar- ciffus, with the circle of the flower yellow. 4. The fnow white, fweet-fcented narciffus, with a red circle. 5. The white narciffus, with a yellow circle. 6. The great, white, fweet- fcented nardjjui. 7. The great, white, onvn'tA narciffus. 8. The middle, white, oriental narcijjus. 9. The white, oriental narciffus, with a ftarry cup, 10. The great, plain, white nar- cijjus. 1 1. Thelcffcr, plain, white narcijjus. 1 2. The fnow- white narcijjus. 13. The fmall-flowered, white narcijjus, with the fmell of jafmine. 14. The great, white, oriental narciffus, with a yellow cup. 15. The middle, white, ori- ental narcijjus, with a yellow cup. 16. The leffer, white, oriental narciffus, with a yellow cup. 17. The white, ori- ental narcijjus, with a yellow, double cup. 18. The ori- ental narcijjus, with a round, gold, yellow cup. 19. The pale-flowered narcijjus, with a fafrron-coloured middle. 20. The pale-flowered narcijjus, with a gold, yellow middle. 21. The many-flowered, white narcijjus, with a deep, yel- low circle. 22. The narcijjus, with a purple middle. 23. The pale-flowered nareffm, with a faffVon-coioured middle.

24. The pale-flowered narcijjus, with a gold, yellow circle.

25. The white narcijjus, with reflex leaves, and a fhort, gold yellow cup. 26. The elegant narcijjus, with double flow- ers, variegated with yellow, and faffron colour. 27. The ftrong- fcented, full-flowered narcijjus, with a yellow middle.

28. The very large flowered narcijjus, with a yellow middle.

29. The fnow white, fine fcented narciffw, with a yellow cup. 30. The many-flowered, African, yellow narcijjus. 31. The many-flowered, Portugal, yellow narcijjus. 32. The great, many-flowered, Conftantinople narcijjus, with double, greyifh, white flowers. 33. The yellow, Conftan- tinople narcijjus. 34. The narrow-leaved, all-yellow nar- c 'ff us > 35- The narrow-leaved, yellow narcijjus, with a large cup. 36. The great, white-flowered, narrow-leaved narcij- jus. 37. The fmallcr, white-flowered, narrow-leaved nar- ciffus. 38. The pale-flowered, narrow-leaved narciffus, with a deep, yellow cup. 39, The little, white narcijjus, with a beautiful, purple border. 4c. The grahy-Ieaved narcijjus^ with a deep yellow middle. 41. The rufh-leaved narcijjus, with yellow flowers, and long cups. 42. The fmaller, yellow- flowered, ruih-leaved narcijjus. 43. The rufh-leaved narcijjus, with yellow, variegated flowers. 44. The rufh- leaved narcijjus, with a pale flower, and a deep yellow cup. 45. The rufh-/eaved narcijjus, with a round, rofe-Iike flow- er. 46. The plain, white flowered, rufh leaved narciffus. 47. The rufh-leaved narcijjus, with twifted leaves, and with white flowers, and yellow cups. 48. The white, autumnal narcijjus. 49. The fmalleft, white, autumnal narcijjus. 50. The great, white flowered,, broad-leaved narcijjus, with a Ihort, yellow cup. 51. The broad-leaved, pale-flowered nar- cijjus, with a large, gold-coloured cup, and a ftriated ftalk. 52. The broad-leaved narcijjus, with large, pale-coloured flowers, and a yellow cup. 53. The middle, white narcij- jus, with a fhort, yellow cup. 54. The great, pale, yellow

narciffus. 55. The yellowifh narciffus, with an hexangular tube. 56. The yellow narciffus* with a round tube. 57. The white narciffus, with a yellow tube. 5^. The white narcijjus, with a yellow cup, and with the fmell of the mufcari. 59. The white narciffus, with an oblong, yellow cup. 60. The wild, pale-ftYwered narciffus, with a yellow cup. 61. The great, all-yellow narciffus, with a very long cup. 62. The plain, yellow narciffus, with the leaves of the flower bent back. 63, The fmall, plain, yellow narciffus. 64. The white narciffus, with a yellow cup. 65. The white narciffus, with a yellow fimbria. 66. The fmall, creeping, yellow narcijjus. 67. The white, narrow-leaved narciffu^ with an oblong cup, and a depending flower. 68. The mountain, rufh-leaved narcijjus, with a yellow cup. 69. Th& mountain narciffus, with a fimbriated flower. 70. The fmalleft, white, mountain, ruftiy- leaved nareffus. 71. The moun- tain, rufhy-leaved narciffus, with a gold, yellow cup. 72. The coronated, mountain narciffus. 73. The double-flow- ered, oriental narciffus, with yeliowifh, white flowers. 74. The broad-leaved, white narciffus, with the yellow middle. 75. The white narciffw, with a double yellow corona. 76. The double, plain, yellow narcijjus. 77. The double, pur- ple-middled narcijjus. 78. The double, fnow- white narciffus. 79. The Virginian, double, white narciffus. 80. The dou- ble, yellow, wild r.ardffus, without a cup. 8r. 1 he dou- ble narcijjus, with variegated flowers. 82. The yellow, wild narcijju<, with a double, or triple, yellow tube. 8?. The paler, yellow, wild narcij/in, with a triple tube. 84. The yellow narciffus, with a divided tube. 85. The double, yellow, broad-leaved narcijjus, 86. The double, anemone- like, gold -yellow, rufh-leaved narcijjus. 87. The gold- yellow, double narcijjus. 88. The fea narciffus, called by many the little, white Jquill. 89. The purple-flowered, fea narciffus, 90. The liliaceous narcijjus. 91. The white- flowered, fpring, American nsrctijiis, 92. The American
