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eludes, that Gold confifts of a fulphurous ignious Parr, In Engraving, Gold is expreffed by dotting the Coat, &c

and a heavy mercurial Part fixed thereby; and that upon all over; Silver, by leaving it quite blank,

taking away the fulphurous or fiery Part, the Gold is con- It is a. general Rule in Heraldry never to place Metal

terted into fluid Mercury. See Mercury. upon Metal, nor Colour on Colour : So that if the Field

3. All Metals mutt firtt be Mercury, e'er they be Gold; be of one of the Metals, the Bearing mutt be of fome

and the thing fuperadded to common Mercury, whereby Colour, and vice verfa 5 otherwife the Arms are falfe : Tho

it is prevented from becoming Gold, is a /harp volatile this Rule admits of fome Exceptions.

Body, which, when heated, becomes corroiive, and emits METALLIC, or Metalline, an Adieflive applied

Fumes 5 which are the Properties of the fofltl Sulphur. to fomething bearing a relation toMetals.

4. If any Metal, or other Body, could be found rhat only differ'd from Gold in its wanting Weight , it were impoflible ever to make Gold of it j and, on the contrary,

Thus we fay, painting in Enamel is only to be perfor- med with metallic Colours, that is, with fuch as come from Metals, or are made with Metals; no other being able to

if a Body could be had that is as heavy as Gold, all the endure the Fire. See Enamei

other Properties, as Colour, Fixity, Duaility, e?c. might F. Roman, has published a Metallic Hiflory of the Popes.

eafily be added. And hence the more knowing among La Frame Metallinue, is a Book of Medals moilly imagil

the Alchymifts hold the primary Matter of Gold to be nary, pretended to be taken from the Cabinets oftheCu-

Quickfilver; which, fay they, is Gold, at heart, as com- rious, where they never were, by Jaques de Hie. M. Bizoc

ing neateft to Gold in the point of fpecific Gravity. Only has publilhed the Metallic Hi/lory of Holland.

there is a corrofive Body, ,. e. Sulphur, adhering to it, METALLURGIA, the Art of Metals, that is of prepa-

which, if it were fepatated, you would have Gold; or if ring and working Metals, from the Glebe or Mineral to

it were only inverted, Silver. theUtenfil. See Metal.

And accordingly on fuch Principles whoeverwould make The Maalkrgia includes what relates to the finding of

Gold outof any other foreign Matter, mutt remember, that the Metallic Glebe, or Ore in the M

the more his Matter differs from Mercury in Weight, ££'

the lefs Gold it will make. See Philosopher's Stone.

5. Therefore Metals arc tranfmutable into one another :

for if Mercury be the common Matter of all Metals, and if

all the difference lie in the fixing Spirit or Sulphur.which, as

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its Kind, Richnefs, i$c. the Proportion of Metal therein the digging and fci.arating it from the Earth, and other matters; and the purifying and difpofing it into a com- pleat, pure, malleable Metal. See Mine and Mineral. Eoerbaaie divides the Metallwva into four parts. The

lefs or more fubtile and pure, conflitutes this or that firtt teaches how Metals grow in the Mine how they are

1 difcovered, and how procured out of the fame. The fe- cond how to feparate the Metallic from the other Mat- ter of the Ore. The third, how to reduce the fcparated Matter toits fimplicityand ductility. The fourth, to work, gild, polift], and imitate the finer Metals in rhe coarfer.

METAMORPHOSIS, the Transformation of a Perfon;

or a Change into another Form. See Transformation.

The! Antients held two kinds of Metamorphofes; The

one real, the other apparent. The Metamorpl'.Rs of Jupiter

in.r, .. 12. .11 1 .rif • ._ . , 1 iy, * ' .

Metal; it is no way improbable they mould be tranfmuted by a purer fixing Sulphur, taking place of a corrofive one, and fixing the Matter into a more perfect Metal.

6. The pureft Metals refult of the purett and moft de- falcate Meicuty, and the [mailed quantity of the fubtileft Sulphur. Hence, Mercury of Gold is heavier than common Mercury, and has always fome impure part that is lighter than Gold; and could rhat be taken away, and the fixing Spirit be added, it would become heavier than Gold.

7. The imperfeft Metals confift of impure Mercury and into a Bull, and of Mixerm into an old Woman, were "only imperfecf Sulphur with fome other variable heteroge- apparent. That of Lycaon into a Wolfiand of Aracbne into neous Matter in it : Thus.fufed by the Fire, it emits a Fume a Spider, were of the number of the real.

which whitens Copper, after which the Sulphur exhales yet further. The reality of fuch a third Matter is evin- ced hence, that all thefe bafer Metals are refolvable not only into Mercury and Sulphur, but alfo into Scoria or Sordes, which are lighter and more earthy than either of the other, and accordingly fwim therein.

8. Upon the whole it appears, that in the three nobler

_ Moft of the antient Metamorphofes include fome Allego- rical meaning, relating either to Phyfics or Morality. _ Ovid's Metamorphofes is a Colkaion of fuch Transforma- tions.

Some Authors are of Opinion, that a great part of the antient Philofophy is couched under them; and Dr. Hooie has made an attempt to unriddle, and lay open feveral of Metals, Gold, Mercury, and Silver, it is principally the them, greater or lefs proportion of the Sulphur to the Mercury, The Word comes from the Greak ft'-m, Change or Re that determines them to be Gold, Mercury, or Silver : moval from one place or ttate to another; and mm That it is by this Proportion thofe feveral Metals are de- Form, Figure. ' *

fined and denominated; and that from this difference of METAMORPHISTS, a Sea of Heretics in the XVIth Ptopottion, flow all the fpecific differences of Colour, Century, whofe diftinguifhing Tenet was That the B< Weight, Fixity, Duaility, Volatility, Fufibility, Solubility, of Jefus Chrift was, upon his Afcenfion Salubrity, 55c.

9. That in the other bafer Metals, befides this different Proportion of the two Principals, there intervenes another Caufeof Diverfity, viz. a third Principle, or Matter of an earthy kind, and very diflant from either of the reft

ny — into Heaven, changed, and Metamorpbofed into God.

The Metamorphifts were a Branch of the Sacramentarians. See Sacramentarian.

METAPHORA, or Metaphor, in Rhetoric, a Fi- gure of Speech whereby a Word is transfer'd from its

which adhering to the pure elemental Sulphur, corrupts proper Signification, to another : or, whereby the proper

and adulterates, and vanoufly modifies it : And from the Name of dne thing is tranflated and applied to fomt /other

different Circumftances of this third Principle, confider'd thing; which other thing is more elegantly explained by

along with thofe of the Sulphur itfelf, refult the fpecific this tralatitious or foreign Name, than by that which pro

differences of the more unperfefl Metals as to Weight, perly belongs to it. As when we fay, the Light of the

Co , lou , r 'V C ' ,,,, , r „ . „, . Understanding; to burn with Zeal;' to float between

Hath Metal, call d alfo Prmces Metal, is a kind of Hope and Dcfpair, &c. See Trope.

faffitious Metal, compofed of the fineft and pureft Brafs The Metaphor is the moft common of all the Figures of

mix d with 1 in, or rather with fome Mineral; whereby Speech; and is that ufually meant when we fav a°thi„P is

it becomes more difpofed to receive a Polift, Luftre, &c. fpoken Figuratively. See Figure B

as alfo fitter to be gilt. See Gilding. The Metaphor is a Ihort Simile; an Image being thereby

1 is faid to have been invented by Prince Rup m.whence call'd from its proper Subjea to give the refemblance of

its Name. another. SeeSiMiLE.

BcBMetAl, isa Compofit.on of Copper and Tin melted An Allegory isno more than a continued Metaphor See

together. See Bell. a..„„ „ 1 '

The ordinary Proportion is 22 or 25 Pounds of Tin to an hundred Weight of the former. See Brass.

Line of Metals. On Gamer's Seaor, are fometimes two Lines thus call'd, and noted with the Charaaers of the feven Metals, ®, ), 5 , 1; , 2 , d", and ¥; and their Ufe is to give the proportions between the feveral Metals as to their Magnitudes and Weights. See their Ufe under the Wofd Sector.

To be laid under Metal, in Gunnery, is when the Mouth of a Gun lies lower than her Breech. im , wnen the Word „ tran5ter . d ,„,„, ^ ,

Metals m Hera dry. There are two Metals ufed in another; as when Zhy fays that Cato ufed ,0 hark a, Scipio ■ ?T!h rl ^A Lol ° ms ', m * ■ GoU 5> d »<* i the or, when our Saviourcalls/W, Fox. The fecond when firft called Or, and the fecond Argent. See Or and Ar- the Word is transfer'd from one Inanimate to another; a"

Bridle, (or Laws. The third, when Inanimates are apply'd


The Sources or Places whence Metaphors are drawn, are innumerable : They may be fetch'd from Divine Mattets; thus Cicero calls Flato our God, Deus ille nofler Plato. From the Elements; as a Torrent of Eloquence. From Plants; as where Virtue has taken Koot. From Artificial thinos; as where Appian is call'd the Cymbal of the World; Longinus, a living Library; Fertiitax, Fortune's Foot- Ball, £i?c.

Quintilian Metaphors into fout kinds : The firft, when the Word is transfer'd from one Animal to


In the common painting of Arms, thefe Metals are re prefented by White and Yellow, which are the natural Co- lours of thofe Metals. See Colour.

to Animates; as the Flovjer of Youth. And the'lalt when Animates are apply'd to Inanimates; as the River difdain'd its Bounds.
