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bath, is meant, the fpending it in Prayer, Praife, £=?e. not in worldly Concerns. The firft Petition in the Lord's Prayer is, Hallowed, or fanBiped, be thy Name ■■ By which is meant, Let thy Name be ever accompanied with Blefling and Praife.

SANCTION.the Authority given to fome judicial Aft; or that, whereby it becomes legal and curtent. The Royal Affent gives the SanBion of Statutes, to all Bills in Parliament that have paffed each Houle Thrice. See Parliament. The Word is form'd from the Latin Sancire, to eftablilh.

Pragmatical Sanction. See Pragmatical. SANCTl VITI CHOREA. See Sancti Viti. SANCTUARY, among the Jews, the holieft and mofl retired Part of the Temple ot Jerttfalem ; wherein was prefcrved the Ark of the Covenant ; and into which No-body was allowed to enter but the High Pried, and that only once a Year, to intercede for the People. The SanBua'ry, called alfo Sanctum SanBorum, or Holy of Holies, is'fuppofed to be a Type or Figure of Heaven and of fefus Chriji the true High Pried, who is afcended thither to make Interceffion for us. Some will have it, That the whole Temple was called the SanBuary; and that the SanBum SanBorum, where the Ark was kept, was only a little Chapel or Oratory therein. See Temple. Weight of the Sanctuary, to examine a Thing by the Weight of the SanBuary, is to examine it by a juft and equal Scale; in Regard among the Jews, 'twas the Cu- itom for the Prieds to keep Weights of Stone, to ferve as Standards for the regulating of all Weights by; tho' theft did not differ from the royal or profane Weights. See Weight, Shekle, &c. Sanctuary, in our ancient Cufloms, an Afyhtm, or lace privileged by the Ptince for the Safeguard of Mens Lives, who were guilty of Capital Crimes. See Asylum. 'Till Henry the Vlllth, all our Churches and Church-yards were Sanctuaries; and protected Tray- tors, Murderers, &c. if within Forty Days they acknow- ledged their Fault, and fiibmitted themielves to Banifh- ment ; and during that Time, if any Lay-man expelled them, he was excommunicated ; if a Clerk, he was made irregular : After Forty Days no Man might relieve them. St. John's of Beverly, had an eminent SanBuary, called by the Saxons, A Seat of Peace : So had St. Martin's h Grand, in London. Rippon had the like granted by Whitlafe, King of the Mercians: So had St. Buriens in Cornwal, granted by King Athelflan, Anno 936 ; and JPeftminJler the like, granted by Edward the Confeffor. In Scotland they call the Sanctuary, Girthole, or Grithel. The Saxons alfo called it Frodmortel. See Abjuration. Sanctuary, is alfo ufed in the Romifli Chutch for the Chancel, or that Part of the Church wherein the Altar is placed, incompaffcd with a Rail or Balluftrade. See Chancel. SANCTUM SANCTORUM. See Sanctuary. SAND, a fine, hard gravelly Earth, of great Ufe in Building, and many other Arts and Manufactures, as in the making of Glals, in Plumbery, Foundery, ci?c. There are Three Kinds of Sands, diftinguiflied by the Places whence they are drawn : vi&. 'Pit-Sand, River-Sand, and Sea-Sand. See Earth.

The Ufe of Sand in Building, is as an Ingredienr in Mortar: See Mortar. For this Ufe, Wit-Sand is of all others the bell ; and of Tit-Sand, the whiteft is always the word. Of River-Sand, that found in the Falls of Wa- ters is bell, becaufe mod purged. Sea-Sand is the word. VitSntd, as being fat arid tough, is moll ufed in Walls and Vaults. River-Sand ferves for rough cading. AH Sand is eood in its Kind, if when lqueezed and handled it crack- les" and if being put on a white Cloth, it neither fiains nor makes it foul. That Sand is naught, which, mixed with Water, makes it dirty and muddy, and which has been long in the Air; for fuch will retain much Eafth and rotten Humour. Hence fome Malbns wadi their Sand e'er they ufe it. The Sand of Timwolo, He Lorme ob- lerves, is the bed in the World ; efpecially for Mari- time Building. See Puzzuol. Some diflinguifb. a Male Sand which is of a deeper Colour than another Sort in the fame Bank or Bed, called Female Sand.

The Sand whereof Glafs is made, is white and grit- ty, full of little fpatkling Grains. See Glass.

The Sand ufed by Founders, is Foflile. 'Tis properly a yellow fat Earth, whereof they make their Moulds, for the Cading of little Works ; whence it is they fay, Casing j x Sand. See Foundery. The Plumbers alfo ufe Sand to mould feveral of their Works, particularly large Sheets. To prepare the Sand for theft Sheets, they wet it lightly, dir and work it with a Stick, then beat and plane it. See Plumbery.

Sand, in Agriculture, is one of the Three great Kinds of Soil ; whichare Sand, Clay and Earth or Loam. The Properties, lie. whereof fee under the Article Soil.

M. de la guintim attributes all the Difference we find in Soils, to rhe different Quality of Sands mixed in them. Soft Sands, according xo him, make a foft, gentle Earth. UnBuous Sands, a ftiff Earth. Coarfe Sands a. rough untraceable Earth, ££c.

Sand is alfo applied to dry, crumbling Earths, which, wanting any Fatnefs to bind them together, rhe Wind eafily breaks into Dud, and carries them away. In this Scnle it is that Travellers tell us, the Caravans in Africa. are frequently Iod, and buried under Clouds of Sand, tore up by Whirl-winds ; and foinetimes heaped up in- to Mountains. The Delarts of Lybia are mere Sands^ and hence their Sterility.

A TABLE of Sk nd s.

r Sharp, or Rag Sand, compofed of fmall Tranfparent- Pebbles, naturally found upon the Mountains, not Calcinable.





MSrown. 'Griefly.


Soft or finooth with flat Part: l^cles

Of Weftmoreland I

Stitueliam-Moor, in the Road waffled up very white Pebble.

Flamborough Head, of which the Light-Houft there is cemented.

Calais Sand, burns reddifh, but falls not in Water.

Seaton-Banks, near Hartlepool, on the Tee's Mouth ; Ef- crick in the Gravel-pit there, a Vein of exceeding fine Sand.

The TiUow Sand in the Sal- tick.

In a Spring at Hejlington.

Acome near Tork, drifted Sand.

Hutton-Moor, waflit,

Throp Fells. Ousse at Tork. Nid at Mountain.

Dug up at Rawcliff near Snath.

Wharf at Ickly and 'Dmtm.

Air at Carleton in Craven.

Ewe at Craven.


S ant on in Lincolnjhire.

Bromly ■ Common. K,Skipwith-Common.

Lime-, At in Torkfhife.

Mi-)A 'Vein at Ofinell- ittering") Beacon, in Lincoln- (jbire.

Silver-like ( " Sea-Sand, about the Stil- ly I (lands.

In Cleveland, and about Scarborough.

Onze DuB, or Sediment at Rawcliff.

A Vein of Mica in Hef- lington Gravel-pit.

Mica Argentea in Red- Sand Rock, near Rip- pott, plentifully.

Mica Aurea of Cfe«-'



■ Gold-like

SANDAL, in Antiquity, a rich kind of Shoe or Wear' for the Feet, made of Gold, Silk, or other precious Stuff", ufed by the Roman and Greek Ladies ; confiding of a Sole, with a Hollow at one Extreme to embrace the Ancle. Terence fpeaks of this Sandal, Utinam tibi committigari videam Sandalio caput: I wifli die wou'd break your Head with her Sandal. Apollo was fometimes called San- dalarius, the Reaibn of which Appellation has given great Perplexity to the Criticks ; fome derive ir from a Stteet called Sandalar'ms, becaufe chiefly inhabited by Sandal-Makers, wherein that God had a Temple : But others, with more Probability, derive the Name of the Street from that of the God, and take Apollo to have been thus called from his effeminate Drefs, as if he wore Womens Sandals.

The Shoe anciently wore by the Pope, Bifhops, Priefls, sjc. when they officiated, was alfo called Sandal ; being fuch as was fuppofed to have been wore by St. Bar- tholomew. Alcuin obferves. That there was fome Diffe- rence between the Sandals of Bifhops, Priefls, and Dea- cons. Monks were not allowed to wear Sandals, except in Travelling, as is obferved by Du Conge, Salmafius, &c.
