Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/381

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JADRAQUE 1840 ; 1st class, 1848 ; 3d class, 1855 ; L. of Honour, 1854. Works : Plain of Mont- fort-1'Amaury (1834); Factory of Poussiu near Rome (1837); The Villa d'Estc (1838); Castle of St. Angelo (183i)) ; Hunting sit Fontainebleau (1844); Deer Hunt (1848); Stag at Bay (1852), Ministry of Interior, Paris ; Relay of Dogs at Chateau do Mailly (1855), Arras Museum ; The Seven Deadly Sins (1857) ; View of Rome, Vision of St. Hubert (185'J) ; Victim of Despotism Madrid, 3d class, 1871, 187G; 2d class, 1878 ; Vienna, 1873. Works : Charles V. at San Yuste (1878), Madrid Museum ; Interesting Reading ; Cisneros presented to Queen Isa- bella. La Ilustracion (187'.)), i. 43. JAFFA, PLAGUE OF, Antoine Jean <li-o.<. Louvre, Paris; canvas, H. 17 ft. (i in. x 23 ft. 7 in.; signed, dated Versailles, 1S04. General-in-Chief Bonaparte, in order to in- spire confidence in his army, visited, March 11, 17'.t!(, his plague-stricken soldiers in the -<- ; ;y '/,-" . ' / .

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4! ' ^^C'^'iV'^BSP%^ Slli itjijlil pif/til* Plague of Jaffa, Antoine Juan Gros, Louvre, Pans. (18G1) ; Twelve Dogs of Virelade Breed (1804); Women of Isle of Sein burning Sea- weed (18C8); Aurora, ceiling in Salon d'Hcr- cule, Palais du St'nat, Paris ; Eight Panels with Hunting and Falconry Subjects, Min- istry of State, ib. Bellier, i. K1C> ; Chroniquc des Arts (1882), 180 ; Larousse, ix. 875 ; Meyer, Oesch., 7f>2. JADRAQUE SANCHEZ, Don MIGITEL, born at Valladolid ; contemporary. His- tory painter, pupil of Valladolid art-school, where he won the first prize. Medals : hospitals at Jaffa. Scene The interior of a mosque surrounded by a large court, con- verted into a hospital ; near the centre, Bonaparte, followed by Berthier and Bes- sieres, and attended by physicians, touches without fear the lx>dy of a plague-stricken sailor ; the dying, the sick, and the conva- lescent on all sides. Salon of 1804. Gros received 1(>,00() francs for the picture, which was very successful. Engraved by Laugier, and by Queverdot and Pigeot. Landon, Musce,' xii. PL 1-2 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; 3