Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/477

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WATTS XV. the Bower ; First Spring Day ; From the History of Psyche ; Boudoir of Princess Galitzin. Bellier, ii. 718 ; Larousse, 1289 ; Meyer, Gesch., 613, 665. WATTS, GEORGE FREDERICK, born in London in 1818. Subject and portrait painter, pupil of Roy- al Academy, where he exhibited in 1837 ; first attracted notice in 1842 by his car- toon, Caractacus led in Triumph through the Streets of Rome, for which he was awarded a prize of 300 in the competition for the decoration of the Houses of Parliament. After studying some time in Florence, he won a prize, in 1847, of 500 for a cartoon of Alfred inciting the Saxons to prevent the Landing of the Danes by meeting them at Sea. He has painted some important frescos, chief of which is the School of Legislation, in the dining-hall of Lincoln's Inn. Mr. Watts has exhibited many ideal pictures, but his chief honours have been won in portraiture, in which he has few rivals. He is also noted as a sculp- tor. He was elected an A.R.A. in 1867, and R. A. in 1868. Medals : 1st class, Paris, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1878 ; 1st class, Antwerp Ex- hibition, 1885. Among his principal sub- ject pieces are : The Window-Seat, Sir Gal- ahad (1862); Virginia, Ariadne (1863); Esau (1865); Thetis (1866); Lamplight Study (1867); Wife of Pygmalion, Jacob and Esau (1868) ; Return of the Dove, Red Cross Knight and Una (1869) ; Daphne, Fata Morgana (1870); The Prodigal (1873); To all Churches (1875) ; By the Sea (1876) ; Love and Death The Dove, Lady Lindsay of Balcarres (1877) ; Britomart and her Nurse, Florence (1878) ; Paolo and Francesco, Orpheus and Eurydice, Enid and Geraint, Dorothy (1879); Psyche (1880) ; Dean's Daughter, Lucy (1880) ; Arcadia, Carrara from Pisa (1881) ; Katie, Condottiere of 15th Century, Rider on Pale Horse, do. on White Horse, do. on Black Horse, do. on Red Horse (1883) ; Love and Life, Rain passing Away, Uldra, Alice, Happy Warrior (1884); Ararat (1885); Death of Cain, The Soul's Prism, Hope (1886). Among his portraits are those of Tennyson, Browning, Swinburne, William Morris, Car- lyle, Stuart Mill, Matthew Arnold, Dean Stanley, W. E. Lecky, Gladstone, Duke of Argyll, Leslie Stephen, Holinan Hunt, Burne- Jones, Millais, Leighton, Lord Lyndhurst, Sir Alexander Cockburn, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, Sir C. W. Dilke, Viscount Sher- brooke, Mrs. Frederick Myers, Marquis of Salisbury (1884), Earl Lytton (1884). A collection of his works was exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, in 1884- 85. Mr. Watts has lately announced that he will work hereafter for the nation only, and not for private individuals. Meynell, 225 ; L'Art (1882), ii. 8 ; Portfolio (1870), 65 ; (1879), 129 ; Art Journal (1884). WAUTERS, CHARLES AUGUSTIN, born at Boom, near Antwerp, April 23, 1811. History painter, pupil of Mechlin and Antwerp Academies ; then studied in Paris, and in 1836 returned to Mechlin. Member of the Amsterdam Academy, 1855. Medals : Brussels, 1836 ; Order of Leopold. Works : Unhappy Family, Death of Mary of Burgundy (1836) ; Episode in History of Mary of Burgundy (1839) ; Martyrdom of St. Lawrepce (1840) ; Glorification of St. Rombout ; Last Supper ; Peter the Hermit ; Crucifixion (1862) ; Calvaert instructing his Pupils in Anatomy ; Anniversary of Battle of Waterloo ; Entry of Great Council into Mechlin ; Fair Edith ; Gentleman compar- ing Time on his Watch with Clock, Carls- ruhe Gallery. Irnmerzeel, iii. 222 ; Kramm, vi. 1833. WAUTERS, MILE, born in Brussels, Nov. 29, 1846. History painter, pupil of Portaels, then in Paris (1867) of Gerome ; visited Italy and Germany in 1868, and Egypt in 1869. Member of Brussels, Vien- na, and Madrid Academies. Medals : Par- is, 2d class, 1875, 1876 ; of honour, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1878 ; Orders of Leopold and of 413