Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/116

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Salmon Pink. Tint white lead with equal parts of orange chrome and vermilion. If zinc white is used instead of lead the color will be found brighter.

Terra Cotta. Mix together two parts of white lead and one part of burnt sienna. One of the best ways to produce a good terra cotta wall is to give a good under coat of white lead, orange chrome and a little Venetian red, and when dry to apply a finished coat made from Venetian red and a little orange chrome to which has been added a little white.

Turkish Crescent Red. Mix equal proportions of Indian red, vermilionette and rose pink.

Tuscan Red. This can be bought ready made, and may be imitated by mixing ten parts of Indian red with one part rose pink. Indian red is very similar in color but somewhat darker.

Venetian Pink. Tint white lead with a little Venetian red.

Venetian Red. This color is one of the most useful that the house painter has, being cheap, and having good covering power and body. It is not very good for tinting purposes. It would not, of course, be often imitated, but Indian red—a very similar pigment—could be tinted with red. Or it may be imitated by mixing vermilion, yellow ochre, madder, carmine and a little Cappagh brown, which is an artist's color and is rarely used by house painters.

Vermilion. This bright red cannot be imitated by an admixture of ordinary pigments, but there are many excellent substitutes on the market, most of them being vermilionettes.

Wine Color. Add a little ivory black to a mixture of carmine and vermilion.


A very little ultramarine green added to white lead makes a white sometimes called Japan white.

Equal parts of white lead and oxide of zinc are frequent-