Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/119

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Chamois. A dull yellow made by mixing four parts of white, five of yellow ochre and one of green.

Chamoline. Mix together five parts of white lead, three parts of raw sienna and one part of lemon yellow.

Citrine. Although this is a tertiary color, and theoretically can be made from green and orange, opinions as to the exact shade somewhat differ. It may be made by mixing four parts of medium chrome yellow and one part of raw umber; or five parts of lemon chrome yellow and two parts of raw umber.

Citron. To produce this color use Venetian red as a base and add one part of Prussian blue, two of chrome yellow and two of white.

Colonial Yellow. Medium chrome yellow mixed with white lead and a little dark orange chrome yellow gives this tint.

Cream. A good shade is obtained by mixing eight parts of white lead, two parts of French yellow ochre and a touch of Venetian red. French ochre and lead alone are often employed. Equal parts of raw sienna and orange chrome used to tint white gives a nice cream. There are many other methods of obtaining this tint.

Daffodil. Lemon chrome mixed with a little Venetian red will give this color.

Deep Cream. This color is made by tinting white lead with yellow ochre and a little Venetian red.

Ecru. Tint white lead with French ochre and medium chrome yellow. A tint which is sometimes called stone color is produced in the same way. Another shade of ecru may be obtained by mixing three parts of black, eight parts of white, three of medium chrome yellow and one of Brunswick green.

Jonquil Yellow. Tint white lead with medium chrome yellow to which has been added a very little vermilion red. One of the favorite methods is to employ sixteen parts white lead, one part of indigo and two parts of light red, adding as much chrome yellow as may be desired. Another way of