Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/169

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Isinglass Gold Size. Gilding upon glass is done with isinglass size. Take a pinch of best Russian isinglass, put it into a pint of water, and stand the whole in a covered jar in the oven for a few hours, when dissolved or cooked add a 14 pint of spirits of wine and strain or filter through white filter paper. The spirits of wine removes the solid or waste portion of the isinglass, and also serves to counteract grease on the glass, or in the hairs of the brushes used, its action is similar to that of wine in milk.

Clear Size for Gold. Gold is often clear sized to improve its color and prevent blooming. This size, as well as that used for matt and burnish work, is best prepared from finest gelatine, or from boiled parchment cuttings.

Tools for Laying Gold. The operation of gilding is the same, whatever process is used, in as far as laying the gold is concerned. The best and general method is by means of a cushion and tip. The cushion is a small board about 8 by 5 inches, covered with flannel, and over this a tightly stretched chamois leather. A draught screen of parchment is fitted round one half of it, this to prevent the wind removing, the gold from the cushion. It has a thumb strap beneath, and loops for the knife, etc., and is held like a palette on the left hand. The other tools required for the laying are a gilder's knife and a tip.

The knife is a long flexible blade of equal breadth throughout its length. The tip is a flat brush made by setting a row of hairs, either camel or badger's, between two pieces of card. The fingers of the left hand hold the tip and knife alternately when either is not being used by the right hand. Dabbers and camel-hair brushes, and mops, are required to press the gold down in its place, and remove superfluous scraps.

Laying Gold Leaf. The size being ready to receive the gold, about a dozen leaves are put in a heap in the back part of the cushion, then the cushion is taken in the left hand and the knife in the right.