Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/420

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whiting to be had, and have ready some clean warm water and a piece of flannel, which dip into the water and squeeze nearly dry, then take as much whiting, as will adhere to it, apply it to the painted surface, when a little rubbing will instantly remove any dirt or grease. After which wash the part well with clean water, rubbing it dry with a soft chamois leather. Paint thus cleaned looks as well as when first laid on, without injury to the most delicate colors. It is far better than using soap, and does not require more than half the time and labor.

Durable Colors. One of the necessary qualifications of (he painter is the knowledge of the colors that will stand the sun and weather. The manufactured chemical colors are generally not very durable, and are therefore not very suitable for outside work. The chrome yellows, chrome greens, and Prussian blues are fugitive, whether used alone or mixed. A combination of two colors of durable nature is often subject to change of tone. Of the more durable colors for external use, the ochres, Indian and Venetian reds, burnt and raw umbers, and burnt and raw siennas may be mentioned. Zinc white, though of less body than white lead, is more delicate and durable, and should always be used in place of white lead at the seashore, where it is especially durable. The action of the salt air injures the lead. The most durable blacks are lamp-black and vegetable black, the most durable yellows are yellow ochre and Naples yellow, both of which have a good body. Chrome yellow is fugitive, and, like other lead salts, it becomes dark in bad air. Of the reds, those to be depended on are the Venetian red, Indian red, light red, and madder lake; carmine lake, vermilion, and chrome red are best avoided on the exterior. The only blue that will stand is ultramarine, though it is expensive. Prussian blue, cobalt. Antwerp blue, and indigo will fade either singly or in combination. The umbers and siennas, burnt and raw, burnt ochres and Vandyke brown, are permanent colors. Raw umber is very