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Bequest; Apple Thieves (1882); At the Inn (1883); Wood Chopper (1884); Second Hand Dealer's Shop (1885).—Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 610; Müller, 342; Illustr. Zeitg. (1872), ii. 388; (1875), i. 118; (1880), i. 10, 348; (1883), i. 335.

LUCA DA CORTONA. See Signorelli, Luca.

LUCA DA REGGIO. See Ferrari, Luca.

LUCA DI THOMÉ (Tomé), latter half of 14th century. Sienese school; third-*rate artist. Called by Vasari a pupil of Barna, though his painting shows rather the influence of Simone. His name is the third on the register of the Sienese Guild of St. Luke, which was confirmed as a guild in 1355. He restored in 1357 a Madonna painted by Pietro Lorenzetti in 1333 above the portal of the Siena Cathedral, and he was living in 1392. Among his extant works are a Crucifixion, dated 1366, Pisa Academy, and an altarpiece, dated 1377, in the Capuccini of S. Quirico in Osenna.—C. & C., Italy, ii. 112; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ii. 163; Milanesi, Siena, 167.

LUCAS, SEYMOUR, born in England in 1851. Historic genre painter, pupil of St. Martin's Government Schools and of the Royal Academy, where he won the gold medal. First exhibited at Royal Academy in 1870 the Apothecary from "Romeo and Juliet." Elected A.R.A. in 1886. Works: Intercepted Despatches, Danger, The Burgomaster (1877); Gordon Riots (Melbourne Gallery), Unbreathed Memories (1879); The Armada in Sight (1880); Reckoning with-*out his Host, Charles I. before Gloucester (1881); The Favourite, Disputed Strategy, Spy in the Camp (1882); Whip for Van Tromp (1883); You don't say so! After Culloden (purchased by Royal Academy under Chantrey Bequest, 1884); From the Field of Sedgemoor (1885); Old Cronies (1886). His wife, Marie Cornellissen Lucas, is also an artist of some repute.—Illus. News (1886), i. 487.

LUCATELLI (Locatelli), ANDREA, born in Rome in 1695, died there in 1741. Roman school; pupil of Paolo Anesi; became noted as a landscape and genre painter. In landscape he was a pleasing imitator of Claude Lorrain; in genre he was the rival of Zuccarelli. His small pictures are sometimes highly finished, and the figures are painted with great care. Works: Mercury and the Woodchopper, Cassel Gallery; Mercury and Argus, Another Mythological Subject, Landscape, St. Petersburg Academy; View of Castle San Angelo—Rome, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna; Fishermen putting out to Sea, Ray Fishing, Snow Scene, Pushing Off, Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia.—Lanzi, i. 535; Ch. Blanc, École ombrienne.

LUCCARDI, VINCENZO, born at Gemona, North Italy, in 1811, died in 1876. History painter, pupil of Venice Academy, settled at Rome. Professor in Academy of San Luca and other institutions in Italy. Medals, Venice (9), Florence, and Vienna. Works: Cain; The Deluge; Raphael and the Fornarina; Hagar and Ishmael; Cleopatra; Aïda; Venus; Four Seasons.

LUCCHESE, IL. See Ricchi.

LUCCHESINO, IL. See Testa, Pietro.

LUCHETTO DA GENOVA. See Cambiaso, Luca.


LUCIDEL. See Neuchatel.

LUCKX, CHRISTIAAN, born at Antwerp, Aug. 17, 1623, died there after 1653. Flemish school; still-life painter, pupil in 1640 of Philips de Marlier; master of the guild in Antwerp in 1645, having spent about a year at Lille. Was employed by the King of Spain Works: Flower Piece, Madrid Museum; Still Life, Brunswick Museum; do. (2), Professor Wilhelm Sohn, Düsseldorf.—Kunst-Chronik, xix. 581; Riegel, Beiträge, ii. 126; Van den Branden, 1314.