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vi. 189; Merlo, 252; Wolfg. Müller, Düsseldorf. K., 352.

LAST CARTRIDGES (Les dernières cartouches), Alphonse de Neuville, private gallery. Episode of the battle of Sedan. The marines composing part of the Twelfth Corps, which held the village of Bazeilles, two miles from Sedan, Sept. 1, 1870, fought gallantly until every cartridge was spent. The scene represents the interior of a house in the thick of the battle, its ceiling rent by a shell, its doors unhinged, and furniture shattered; at left, several marines are firing their last cartridges through a broken window, under the direction of a wounded officer, who leans for support against a book-*case; at right, a soldier whose ammunition is expended stands nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets; in background, through the open door, is seen the glare and smoke of battle, with many figures.—Salon, 1873.

LAST JUDGMENT, Fra Angelico, Florence Academy. The Saviour on high, surrounded by seraphim and cherubim, presides over the judgment, to which souls are called by the trump of angels beneath him; below his right is the paradise, to which angels dancing in a flowery meadow lead the blessed through a gate; on his left, the condemned and demons. Painted for Convent of the Angeli, Florence. Repetition, with changes, in Dudley House, London; a third, nearly the same, in Pal. Corsini, Rome.—Vasari, ed. Mil., ii. 515; C. & C., Italy, i. 586; Larousse, ix. 1080.

Last Judgement, Fra Bartolommeo, S. M. Nuova, Florence.

By Fra Bartolommeo, S. M. Nuova, Florence; fresco, 12 ft. sq., arched at top. Above, Christ sitting in judgment, in a glory of cherubs' heads, with Apostles on clouds on each side; in middle, a seraph with symbols of the Passion and Redemption, and on each side an angel with a trumpet; below, Michael dividing the wicked from the blessed. Painted in 1498-99 on wall of the cloister cemetery of S. M. Nuova; lower part, left incomplete when he became a monk, finished by Mariotto Albertinelli. The figure to the right of Christ, looking downward, is a portrait of Fra Angelico. The picture has been sawed from the wall and placed in the court, where it is fast decaying.—Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 177; C. & C., Italy, iii. 436.

By Peter von Cornelius, Ludwigs Kirche, Munich; fresco, on wall back of high altar, H. 60 ft. × 40 ft. Above, Christ sitting as judge, amongst saints and angels, with the Virgin and John Baptist kneeling at sides; on his left are Abraham, Noah, Moses, and David; on his right, Peter, James, John, and Paul; beneath him, angels sounding trumpets, and the book of life and death. Below, left, the damned, with hell and