Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/124

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Vatican; picture in grisaille, under the Parnassus, at right. Emperor Augustus preventing the friends of Virgil, Tucca and Varius, from burning the MS. of the Æneid, as the poet had directed; on right, eight other figures. Painted in 1511.—Passavant, ii. 91.

Aurora, Guercino, Palazzo Ludovisi, Rome.

AURORA, Guercino, Palazzo Ludovisi, Rome. Painted on the ceiling of a casino in the gardens of the villa. Apollo seated in a car dragged above the clouds by heavy mottled horses, is surrounded by the Hours. The fresco resembles that of the same subject by Guido at the Palazzo Rospigliosi, but is inferior to it in composition, color, and effect. Engraved by F. Pozzi (1880).—Burckhardt, 773.

Aurora, Guido Reni, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Rome.

AURORA, Guido Reni, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Rome; fresco, on the ceiling of the garden pavilion. Aurora precedes Phœbus, who, sitting in a chariot drawn by horses, is attended by the Hours, graceful figures varied in action. Best work of the master for composition and color. Engraved by J. Frey; Pasqualini; R. Morghen; C. Preisel.—Ch. Blanc, École bolonaise; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 489; Lavice, 383.

AUSTERLITZ, BATTLE OF, Gérard, Versailles Museum; fought, Dec. 2, 1805. Scene: Gen. Rapp, wounded, gallops to an-