Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/139

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London; canvas, H. 4 ft. 9 in. × 6 ft. 11 in. About twelve years old, costume enriched with silver and gold, crimson scarf and plumed black hat, mounted on a prancing pony, in court of the palace, attended by several officers, among whom is Oliváres; King and Queen Isabel seen at a balcony. Probably painted about 1641; from Welbore Ellis Agar Collection.—Palomino, iii. 332; Stirling, ii. 630; Curtis, 56.

By Velasquez, Henry G. Marquand, New York; canvas, H. 1 ft. 8 in. × 1 ft. 3 in. Bust, about ten years old, black velvet dress embroidered; repetition of same picture in Vienna Museum. H. Baillie sale (1868), £194 5s., to Bale; Charles Sackville Bale sale (1881), £871; sold to Mr. Marquand for £2000.—Curtis, 59, 384.

By Velasquez, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 6 ft. 3 in. × 3 ft. 7 in. Six years old, full length, in hunting dress, standing beside a tree, holding in right hand a gun; on each side, a dog; background, landscape and mountains. Painted in 1635. Etched by E. Lemus; C. Alabern; lithographed by A. Blanco; E. C. Cos.—Curtis, 57; Gaz. des B. Arts (1881); Madrazo, 616.

By Velasquez, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 6 ft. 11 in. × 5 ft. 8 in. About six years old, galloping on a chestnut horse; he wears a plumed hat, armour, and a crimson scarf which floats behind, and holds a baton in his right hand; landscape background. Painted about 1635, second manner. Old copy in Dulwich Gallery; another in Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Etched by F. Goya; Milius; J. Burnet.—Ch. Blanc, École espagnole; Art Journal (1852), 563; Curtis, 55; Madrazo, 610.

By Velasquez, Vienna Museum; canvas, H. 4 ft. × 3 ft. 2 in. Full length, standing, about ten years old, in black velvet dress and scarf across breast, with left hand on sword, right on a chair. Painted about 1639. Engraved by B. Moncornet; P. de Jode. Henry G. Marquand's picture is a repetition (bust only) of this.—Curtis, 58.

By Velasquez, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London; canvas, H. 3 ft. × 2 ft. 3 in. Full length, standing; dress, black velvet slashed, adorned with lace; behind, a chest covered with crimson velvet adorned with gold. From sale of Wm. Wells, of Redleaf (1848), to Marquis of Hertford for £672 10s.—Stirling, ii. 633; Curtis, 57.

By Velasquez, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. × 3 ft. 1 in. About three years old, in a grey silk frock, standing, his left hand on his sword, attached to a violet scarf, and in his right a general's baton, which he uses as a walking-*stick; plumed hat on a cushion; dark curtain in background. From Standish sale (1853), at £1680; one of the most important pictures in Standish Collection.—Athenæum (1853), 710; Art Journal (1852); Curtis, 56.

By Velasquez, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London; canvas, H. 4 ft. 3 in. × 3 ft. 4 in. About four years old, black and white dress with crimson scarf, on a black horse, attended by a cavalier and other persons, among whom is a dwarf. Purchased in Spain about 1827 for Samuel Rogers; sold at his sale (1856) for £1270 10s.—Stirling, ii. 630; Cunningham, Life of Wilkie, ii. 469; Curtis, 56.

BALTHAZAR, CASIMIR VICTOR ALEXANDRE DE, born at Hayange (Moselle) in 1809, died in Paris, April 4, 1875. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals: 3d class, 1837; 2d class, 1838; 1st class, 1840. Works: Lara and Kaled (1837); Götz von Berlichingen (1837); Philip VI. after Battle of Crécy (1838); Joan of Arc's Vision, Joan of Arc in Prison (1840); Death of Lara (1842); Clovis's Baptism (1845); Trumpeter Escoffier's Devotion (1846); Christ and the Samaritan Woman (1855); Beside the Fountain (1859). Many portraits.—Larousse.

BALZE, (JEAN ANTOINE) RAYMOND, born in Rome, May 4, 1818. History painter, pupil of Ingres; brother of J. E. P. Balze, and co-worker, in copying pictures of the Italian masters. Since 1849 has exhib-