Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/15

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64. Charles V. Titian Munich Gallery. 274

65. Charles V. at Muhlberg Titian Madrid Museum. 275

66. Chatham, Death of John Singleton Copley National Gallery, London. 277

67. Christ, Baptism of Francesco Albani Bologna Gallery. 281

68. Christ, Baptism of Andrea del Verrocchio Florence Academy. 282

69. Christ among the Doctors School of Leonardo da Vinci. National Gallery, London. 285

70. Christ and Evangelists Fra Bartolommeo Palazzo Pitti, Florence. 286

71. Christ in House of Jairus Paolo Veronese Vienna Museum. 289

72. Christ Healing the Paralytic Murillo Orwell Park, Suffolk. 290

73. Christ Healing the Sick Benjamin West National Gallery, London. 292

74. Christ Crowned with} Anton van Dyck Berlin Museum. 293
Thorns }

75. Christ Crowned with} Titian Louvre, Paris. 294
Thorns }

76. Circe Guercino Louvre, Paris. 299

77. Columbine, La Bernardino Luini Hermitage, St. Petersburg. 316

78. Conception, Immaculate Murillo Louvre, Paris. 319

79. Conception, Immaculate Murillo Madrid Museum. 320

80. Concert Michelangelo da Caravaggio Louvre, Paris. 322

81. Concert Giorgione Palazzo Pitti, Florence. 322

82. Concert, Rustic Giorgione Louvre, Paris. 323

83. Crucifixion Lucas Cranach Stadtkirche, Weimar. 354

84. Crucifixion Andrea Mantegna Louvre, Paris. 355

85. Cupid, Education of Correggio National Gallery, London. 358

86. Cymon and Iphigenia Sir Joshua Reynolds Buckingham Palace, London. 361

87. Danaë Correggio Palazzo Borghese, Rome. 367

88. Danaë Titian Vienna Museum. 367

89. Dante Giotto Bargello, Florence. 371

90. Darius, Tent of Charles Lebrun Louvre, Paris. 373

91. David and Goliath Guido Reni Hermitage, St. Petersburg. 376

92. Death on the Pale Horse Benjamin West Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia. 378

93. Death, Triumph of Sienese School Campo Santo, Pisa. 379

94. Deluge Nicolas Poussin Louvre, Paris. 390

95. Descent from the Cross Rubens Antwerp Cathedral. 394

96. Descent from the Cross Daniele da Volterra S. Trinità de' Monti, Rome. 395

97. Devonshire, Duchess of Thomas Gainesborough Althorp Park, England. 400

98. Devonshire, Duchess of Sir JoshuaReynolds Althorp Park, England. 401

99. Diana and Actæon Titian Bridgewater House, London. 402

100. Diana and Callisto Titian Bridgewater House, London. 403

101. Dianti, Laura, at her} Titian Louvre, Paris. 404
Toilette }

102. Diego, St., of Alcalà Murillo Duc de Pozzo di Borgo, Paris. 407

103. Donna Gravida Attributed to Raphael Palazzo Pitti, Florence. 418

104. Donna Velata Attributed to Raphael Palazzo Pitti, Florence. 419

105. Dropsical Woman Gerard Dou Louvre, Paris. 426