Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/152

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BATTLE, Salvator Rosa, Louvre; canvas, H. 7 ft. 2 in. × 11 ft. 6 in.; signed. A hand-to-hand conflict of horse and foot, near a ruined temple on right; on left, massive rocks and burning vessels. Painted in 1652, in forty days, by order of Monsignor Corsini, Papal Nuncio, who presented it to Louis XIV.—Villot, Cat. Louvre.

BATTONI (Batoni), POMPEO GIROLAMO, Cavaliere, born at Lucca, Feb. 5, 1708, died in Rome, Feb. 4, 1787. Roman school; pupil at Lucca of Domenico Brugieri and of Gio. Domenico Lombardi; went early to Rome, where he studied under Conca, Masucci, and Imperiali; soon won reputation and divided with Raphael Nunzo the honour of being called the first painter of his time; but his conceptions were superior to his power of realization, and his works are mannered and shallow. Painted historical pieces and miniatures; but most noted for his portraits, numbering among his sitters Popes Benedict IV., Clement XIII., and Pius VI., the Emperors Joseph II. and Leopold II., and many other celebrated personages. Among his works are: Marriage of St. Catherine, Quirinal, Rome; Birth of Christ, Palazzo Corsini, Rome; Achilles, Uffizi, Florence; Madonna Enthroned, Brera, Milan; Choice of Hercules, Æneas with Anchises, Return of Prodigal Son, Turin Gallery; Madonna, Louvre, Paris; St. John the Baptist, Magdalen. The Fine Arts, Dresden Gallery; Portrait of Elector Karl Theodor (1775), Pinakothek, Munich; Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1756), Berlin Museum; Return of Prodigal Son (1773), Vienna Museum.—Lanzi, i. 529; Ch. Blanc, École romaine; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 119.

BAUCK, JEANNA, born in Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 18, 1840. Landscape painter, pupil in Dresden (1863) in figure painting of Professor Ehrhardt; then in Düsseldorf in landscape painting of Albert Flamm. In 1866 she settled in Munich, where she studied under Karl Ludwig, Langko, and Jos. Brandt. Visited Tyrol, Switzerland, and Venice almost yearly; lived in Paris in 1879-80, and then in Munich, where she has a school of painting for young ladies. Paints chiefly gloomy forests with dark waters, ruins, and trees, with great breadth and boldness. Medal, 1878. Works: Village Street with Gipsy Band (1878); St. John's Eve (1880).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 128; Müller, 29.

BAUDIT, AMÉDÉE, born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1829. Landscape painter, pupil of François Diday; studio in Bordeaux. Medals: Paris, 1859, 1861; Geneva, 1861; Toulouse, 1866; Rochelle, 1866. Works: Shores of Lake of Geneva, Dent du Midi (1861); Coast near Terre-Nègre (1866); View near Cannes (1867); Souvenir of Dieppe, Les Landes (1867); Storm (1868); Heath of Begaar, Rainy Day at Biscarosse, Pasture in the Landes (1875); Before the Storm (1883).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii, 132.

BAUDOIN, PAUL ALBERT, born at Rouen; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Gleyre, Delaunay, and Puvis de Chavannes. Medal, 3d class, 1882. Works: History of Wheat (1882), frieze for École Dombasle, Paris; View of St. Pons—Hérault, Mulberries of Port Junénal—Hérault (1883); April Morning in Normandy (1884); Betrothal (1885).

BAUDOIN, PIERRE ANTOINE, born in Paris, Oct. 17, 1723, died Dec. 15, 1769. Genre painter, pupil of Boucher, whose daughter he married; Member of Academy in 1763. Fond of painting erotic subjects. Works: Confessional, Fille éconduite, Cueilleur de Cerises, Petite Idylle galante, Le Lever, Fille querellée, Force du Sang (1765,