Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/155

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BAUR, NICOLAAS, born at Harlingen, Sept. 23, 1767, died there, March 28, 1820. Dutch school; marine painter, son and pupil of J. A. Baur, a portrait painter; at first painted landscapes and city views.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 156.

BAVON, ST., CONVERSION OF, Rubens, National Gallery, London; wood, H. 3 ft. 5 in. × 5 ft. 5 in. The Saint, about to enter the monastic life, is met on the steps of the church of his convent by St. Arnaud, Bishop of Maestricht. Formerly in Palazzo Carezza, Genoa; bequeathed in 1831 to National Gallery by Rev. W. H. Carr.—Cat. Nat. Gal.; Smith, ii. 256.

BAVON, ST., DISTRIBUTING ALMS, Rubens, Ghent Cathedral; canvas, H. 16 ft. × 9 ft. The Saint, standing beside a flight of steps, is attended by two servants with bowls of money; before him are two women, one with two infants, kneeling, and behind them a mendicant; on opposite side, three ladies looking on; in second distance, the Saint, followed by a page and another person, is ascending a flight of steps to a church, at the door of which two bishops and several monks await his arrival. One of Rubens's best works, but greatly injured by restoration. Engraved by F. Pilsen.—Smith, ii. 36; Beechey, Reynolds's Works, ii. 142.

BAXTER, CHARLES, born in London, March, 1809. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of G. Clint in painting portraits and miniatures, in which he was quite successful; later, devoted himself to rustic and ideal subjects; first exhibited at Royal Academy in 1834. Elected in 1842 member of Society of British Artists. Works: Olivia and Sophia (1852); Lucy Locket, Bacchante (1853); La Pensèe (1854); The Lily (1856); Heartsease, Dream of Love (1857); Little Red Riding Hood (1859); Little Galway Girl (1861); Colleen Bawn, Olivia (1862); The Ballad (1863); Love me, Love my Dog; Peasants at Chioggia (1869).—Art Journal (1864), 145; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 168.

BAYARD, ÉMILE ANTOINE, born at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (Seine-et-Marne,) Nov. 2, 1837. Genre painter, pupil of L. Cogniet. At first exhibited only charcoal drawings, for which he is distinguished, but since 1870 has painted some very characteristic military scenes. L. of Honour, 1870. Works: Narrow Pass, During the Siege (1874); Day after Waterloo (1875); Country Concert-House, Market in the 18th Century, Women Bathing, Skating (1877); Morning of a Début (1879); two decorative panels (1882); Affair of Honour, Qui trop embrasse (1884); Bande joyeuse (1885).—Gaz. des B. Arts (1872), i. 328; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 168.

BAYER, AUGUST VON, born at Rorschach, on Lake Constance, May 3, 1803, died in Carlsruhe, Feb. 2, 1875. Architecture painter; studied architecture in Carlsruhe under Weinbrenner, and in Paris before 1828, when he took up painting, first in Munich, then in Carlsruhe. His subjects were the great monumental buildings of the Middle Ages, interiors of churches, halls, etc. Baden court painter. Works: Interior of Franciscan Church at Salzburg, Cloister of Stiftskirche at Berchtesgaden, Convent-hall with Monk, New Pinakothek, Munich; Interior of Church of our Lady in Munich, Cathedral in Chur, Maulbronn Monastery, Death of St. Bruno, Organ Player, Strasburg Cathedral.—Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 186; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 169; Brockhaus, ii. 616.

BAYEU Y SUBIAS, Don FRANCISCO, born at Saragossa, March 9, 1734, died in Madrid, Aug. 4, 1795. History painter, pupil at Saragossa of José Luzan Martinez, then in Madrid of S. Fernando Academy under Antonio Gonzalez Velasquez; returned to Saragossa, but on the suggestion of Mengs, court painter to Charles III., was called to Madrid to assist in the decoration of the new Palacio Real, and so decidedly adhered to the style of Mengs that he may be reckoned as of his school. By contemporaries considered the foremost Spanish paint-