Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/166

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Fall of Pompeii (1852); Conversation (1853), National Gallery, Berlin; Descent from Cross (1853), St. Michael's Church, Berlin; Portraits of Sculptor Sussmann (1856), of Johannes von Müller (1858), of Count Schwerin Putzar (1858), of Cornelius (1861), Antwerp Museum; of Paulina Lucca, Crown Prince of Prussia, Princess Victoria (1866), Count von Moltke (1868), King William (1869), Reception of the Salzburg Protestants in Potsdam (1864), Frederic the Great in the Chapel at Charlottenburg (1868), Diana and Actæon, Six Scenes from Cupid and Psyche, Thirteen Allegories, Berlin City Hall; Snipe Hunting on Rügen (1872); Chase in the Woods (1876); Venus Resting, Judgment of Paris, Mother's Joy, Gretchen, Eva, Editha (1881).—Brockhaus, ii. 689; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 302; Müller, 37; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 75.

BEGAS, PARMENTIER LUISE, born in Vienna; contemporary. Architecture and landscape painter; pupil in Vienna of Schindler; visited Constantinople, then several times Italy, especially Venice, Rome, and Taormina in Sicily; studio in Berlin since 1877, when she was married to Adalbert Begas. Works: Venetian Vistas, Kitchen Interior in Sicily, Burial-Ground in Scutari.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 306; Müller, 38; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xiii. 378; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 549.

BEGEIJN (Bega), ABRAHAM CORNELISZ, born at Leyden(?) in 1621 or 1622, died in Berlin, June 11, 1697. Dutch school; landscape, animal, marine, and still-life painter; settled at The Hague since 1653, went to Berlin as court painter to the Elector of Brandenburg in 1688. In his earlier works he approaches the manner of Asselyn, in his later ones that of Berchem. Works: Coast near Naples, Brussels Museum; Still Life in Italian Landscape (1653), Bordeaux Museum; Wood Landscape, Landscape with Thistles, Butterflies, and Birds, Brunswick Gallery; Landscapes with Cattle, in the Louvre, Paris, the Amsterdam (1660) and Berlin Museums, Copenhagen (3), Oldenburg, Göttingen, Schwerin Galleries, Hermitage, St. Petersburg (2), Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 307; Riegel, Beiträge, ii. 389.

BEGGROFF, ALEXANDER CARLOVICH, born in St. Petersburg, Dec. 17, 1841. Marine painter, son of the water colour painter and lithographer Carl Petrovich B.; pupil of St. Petersburg Academy, then in Paris (1871-74) of Bogoljuboff. Works: Views of Canea, Plymouth, Havre, Rouen, Étretat, Fécamp, Dordrecht; Views in Livland; Mouth of the Neva, Baird's Factory, and Exchange at St. Petersburg; Harbor at Peterhof; The Steamships Dershava, Grand Duke Constantine, Svietlana (1872-81); Winter View of St. Petersburg (1878).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 309.

BEHAM (Behaim, Behem), BARTHEL, born in Nuremberg in 1502, died in Venice in 1540. German school; history and portrait painter, pupil of Dürer. In 1524 he was accused of heresy, and exiled, together with his brother, Hans Sebald, and George Pencz. In 1527 was at Munich, in service of Duke William of Bavaria, who sent him afterwards to Italy. Was also an engraver, and one of the so-called Little Masters. Works: Palatine Otto Heinrich (1535), Augsburg Gallery; five panels with Saints, Christ on Mount of Olives, Berlin Museum; three pictures with Saints and Donors, altarpiece with Coronation of the Virgin (1536), do., with SS. Ann, Andrew, Erasmus, etc., Christ on the Cross, four panels with Saints, Fürstenberg Gallery, Donaueschingen; three panels with portraits of King Ferdinand's Children (?), Amsterdam Museum; altarpiece with Flagellation and Saints, Kunsthalle, Carlsruhe; Miracle of the Cross (1530), Death of Curtius (1540), King Louis of Hungary, Old Pinakothek, Munich; Christ bearing the Cross, Maurice Chapel, Nurem-