Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/170

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(1841), Conscript Departing, Soldier Returning (1842), Battle of Corogne (1843), Battle of Ocaña (1845), Versailles Museum; Trumpeter's Farewell, Kellermann's Charge at Marengo (1847), Rouen Museum; The Gallant Hussar (1849); Good Priest, Mayor's Harangue (1850); Passage of the Guadarrama, Retreat from Russia, Review after the Battle (1852), Emperor of Russia; Charge of Cuirassiers (1853); Battle of Alma, Night-Watch (1855); Capturing a Russian Ambush (1857), Farewell Salute, Battle in Streets of Magenta, Assault on Malakoff (1859), Marseilles Museum; Two Friends (1861); Incident of Battle of Magenta (1863); Cuirassiers at Waterloo, Marching Past after Victory (1865); Beaten Squadron of Cavalry, The Guard Dies, his last work (1866).—Larousse; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 361; Meyer, Gesch., 473; Revue des d. Mondes, 1866, June 1; Kunst-Chronik, i. 62.

BELLANGER, CAMILLE FÉLIX, born in Paris; contemporary. History painter, pupil of A. Cabanel, and of Bouguereau. Medal, 2d class, 1875. Works: Death of Abel (1875), Luxembourg Museum; Cleombrotus II., King of Sparta (1876); Bacchante (1877); Angel at the Tomb (1877); Scene from Hell, after Dante (1878); Scene from Dante (1879); Idyl, Young Faun (1880); Twilight and Morning (1881); Coucou! (1882); Cupid Asleep, A Florist (1883); Au Luxembourg (1885).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 363; Kunst-Chronik, xii. 618.

BELLAY, PAUL ALPHONSE, born in Paris, March 22, 1826. Portrait and genre painter, pupil of Picot and of Henriquel Dupont; entered in 1851 the École des Beaux Arts, and received in 1852 the Roman prize for engraving. Since 1861 exhibited first Italian genre subjects; then mostly water colour copies after Raphael. Medals in 1866, 1867, 1869; L. of Honour, 1873.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 368.

BELLE, ALEXIS SIMON, born in Paris, Jan. 12, 1674, died there, Nov. 21, 1734. Portrait painter, pupil of François de Troy; member of Academy in 1703; held in great honour by the French and Polish courts and the Pretender James III. Works: Portraits of Maria Leczinska and Son, of Dauphin Louis, of the Sculptor Lerambert, of himself, Versailles Museum; Portraits of Louis XIV., his Queen, his Sisters, Duchess of Orléans, Stanislaus Leczinska, Cardinal Polignac.—Dussieux, Mémoirs inédits, ii. 233; Jal, 187; Larousse; Meyer, Künst. Lex., 369.

BELLE, AUGUSTIN LOUIS, born in Paris in 1757, died there, Jan. 12, 1841. History painter, son and pupil of Clement Louis B. Succeeded his father in 1806 as inspector of the Gobelins manufactory. Works: Tobias Blessed by his Father (1788); Ruth and Boaz (1791); Mars crowned by Venus (1801); Allegory of Peace (1817), Rouen Museum; Hagar in the Desert (1819), Tours Museum.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 369; Bellier.

BELLE, CLÉMENT LOUIS MARIE ANNE, born in Paris, Nov. 16, 1722, died there, Sept. 29, 1806. History painter, son of Alexis Simon, pupil of his mother Marie Nicole Horthemels and of François Lemoine; member of Academy in 1761; professor in 1765 and rector in 1790. After 1755 Inspector of the Gobelins manufactory, Paris. Works: Purification of the Churches after the Desecration of 1722 (1759), St. Merry, Paris; Archangel Michael as Victor (1767), Soissons Cathedral; Christ, Parliament-Building, Dijon; Return of the Prodigal Son, Lille Museum.—Larousse; Meyer, Künst. Lex., iii. 369.

BELLE FÉRONNIÈRE, Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre; wood, H. 2 ft. × 1 ft. 5-1/2 in. Bust, head three quarters, turned to left, dressed in a red robe, ornamented with embroidery and gold bands; hair confined with a féronnière or frontlet. Long supposed to be a portrait of the noted mistress of Francis I., La Féronnière, so called either because she was the wife of a rich feronnier (iron-monger) or of a bourgeois named Jean Féron, whose jealousy is said to have been