Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/200

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later he modified it by study of Andrea del Sarto, who became his intimate friend, imitator, and associate. Among his earlier works are the Annunciation (like Albertinelli), Turin Museum, and a Madonna with Job and John the Baptist, Uffizi, Florence. In 1513 he painted the Marriage of the Virgin in the Court of the Servi, Florence. The monks having removed the screens which concealed it before it was quite finished, Bigio was so angry that he struck out the head of the Virgin and some other heads with a hammer. The fresco, which has never been repaired, is his masterpiece in this kind of painting. His portraits are his best works, some of them so fine that they have passed under the names of Raphael and of Francia. Good examples are in the Louvre, Pitti (his own portrait), and Berlin Museum. Pictures of his later period are: Bathsheba in the Bath (1523), Dresden Gallery; and the Temple of Hercules, Uffizi, Florence.—C. & C., Italy, iii. 500; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ix. 96; Ch. Blanc, École florentine; Baldinucci, ii. 129; Burckhardt, 637; Lübke, Gesch. ital. Mal., ii. 174.

BIGORDI, DOMENICO. See Ghirlandajo.

BILDERS, JOHANNES WARNARDUS, born at Utrecht, Aug. 8, 1811. Landscape painter, self-taught; his conception and tone are suggestive of Corot. Went to Wiesbaden in 1859, invited by the King of Holland, to paint the panorama of the ruins of Kloster Klarenthal, now in the Hague Museum. Other works in Amsterdam and Haarlem Museums, and Carlsruhe Gallery.—Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 143.

BILEVELT, JOHAN, born at Maestricht, in 1576, died at Florence, April 25, 1644. Florentine school; history painter, pupil of Cigoli in Florence, whither he went with his father, a picture-dealer, very early in life, and where his name was transformed into Bilivelti, Biliverti, or Bilivetti. Accompanied Cigoli to Rome to assist in the decoration of St. Peter's, and completed several of the pictures after that master's death. With the qualities of Cigoli he endeavoured to unite the expression of Titi and the ornamentation of Paolo Veronese; formed several distinguished pupils. Works: Elevation of the Cross (masterpiece), Santa Croce, Florence; Holy Family, Chastity of Joseph, Judith, Uffizi, ib.; others in S. Gaetano, S. Marco, and other churches, ib.; Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Vienna Museum.—Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 420; Baldinucci, Notizie, xiv. 34; Lanzi (Roscoe), i. 213.

BILLET, PIERRE, born at Cantin (Nord), France; contemporary. Genre painter; pupil of Jules Breton. Medals: 3d class, 1873; 2d class, 1874. Works: Young Peasant Woman (1867); Consequences of a Game of Cards, Waiting (1868); Mayor's Party, Fisher at Ambleteuse (1869), Bordeaux Museum; Fishers in Environs of Boulogne (1870), Lille Museum; Waiting, High Tide—Coast of Normandy (1872), Luxembourg Museum; Return from Market, Women cutting Grass (1873); Tobacco Smugglers, Women gathering Wood (1874); In Winter, Souvenir of Ambleteuse (1875); Fountain at Yport, Young Kitchen Gardener (1876); Shrimp Fishers (1883); Marsh of Arleux (1884); Return from Seashore (1885). In the United States: Brittany Peasant Girl, August Belmont, New York; On the Seashore, C. Parsons, St. Louis; Noonday Rest, E. Davis, New York.—Menard; Portfolio (1875), 19.

BILLING, LARS TEODOR, born at Asbo, Sweden, Oct. 6, 1817. Landscape painter; pupil of Stockholm Academy, but studied chiefly from nature. Travelled in Sweden, and in 1856-59 in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and France. Works: Swiss Landscape, Convent on the Rhine, View in Norrland, Stockholm Museum; Deserted Mill; Summer Evening on Mälar Lake.—Müller, 25.