Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/234

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London (1872 and 1873), Vienna (1873). Order of Leopold (1869), Officer (1881); Studio in Antwerp. Works: Return from Vintage (1853); Marie Antoinette taken from the Temple, Summer Evening by the Sea (1863), Hague Museum; Empty Cradle (1867), Liége Museum; Sorrowful Tidings (1868), Brussels Museum; Ripe Cherries (1874), Ghent Museum; Day after Storm (1875); Return from Baptism.—Müller, 71.

BOURDON, SEBASTIEN, born at Montpellier, Feb. 2, 1616, died in Paris, May 8, 1671. French school; history painter; pupil of Barthélemy at Paris until his fifteenth year, when he went to Bordeaux, where he painted in fresco; and to Toulouse where, finding no employment, he enlisted. In 1634, having obtained his dismissal, he proceeded to Rome, made copies from the old masters for a dealer for three years, and then returned to Paris to escape the Inquisition. There during the next sixteen years he painted battle pieces, hunts, landscapes, and portraits, and the Crucifixion of St. Peter for Notre Dame, now in the Louvre. In 1648 he assisted in founding the Academy, and in 1652 went to Sweden, where he became court painter. Ten years later he returned to Paris, and in 1665 was appointed director of the Academy. Works: Sacrifice of Noah, Solomon sacrificing to Idols, Adoration of Shepherds, Repose of Holy Family, Madonna with St. John, Christ and the Children, Descent from Cross, Decollation of St. Protais, Martyrdom of St. Peter, Julius Cæsar before Tomb of Alexander, Halt of Bohemians (2), Laban seeking his Idols, Presentation in the Temple, Portrait of Descartes, his own portrait, and others, Louvre; Group of Merchants, Hague Museum; Bacchanal, Liverpool Institute; Death of Dido, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Return of the Ark from Captivity, National Gallery, London.—Ch. Blanc, École française.

BOURGEOIS, EUGÈNE (VICTOR), born in Paris; contemporary. Landscape painter. Medal, 3d class, 1885. Works: Corner of the Forest, Orchard of Flowers (1880); Les Graves at Villerville (1881); Little Bridge of Gravoteaux (1882); Pointe du Grand-Bec, Tuilerie de Maurevert (1883); Meadow in Environs of Villerville (1884); Le Val at Villerville, La Fontaine-Virginie at Pennedepie (1885).

BOURGEOIS, (LÉON PIERRE) URBAIN, born at Nevers, France; contemporary. History and portrait painter; pupil of Sebastin[ Cornu, H. Flandrin, and Cabanel. Medals: 3d class, 1877; 2d class, 1880. Works: St. Sebastian (1877); Justinian Emperor of the East (1878), Court of Cassation, Paris; Body of St. Vincent guarded from Birds of Prey by Angels (1879); Portrait of My Little Daughter (1881); Innocence (1883); Diana after the Chase (1884), M. J. Darcel.

BOURGEOIS, Sir PETER FRANCIS, born in London in 1756, died there, Jan. 8, 1811. Of Swiss descent; pupil of Loutherbourg; travelled in France, Holland, and Italy in 1776, and on his return attained reputation for his landscapes with cattle and figures. In 1791 he was appointed painter to the King of Poland and knighted; became an A.R.A. in 1787, R.A. in 1793, and landscape painter to George III. in 1793. He left his fine collection of 350 paintings, bequeathed