Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/236

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Bishop, Eastlake Collection, London; Legend of Emperor Otto III., Last Supper, Brussels Museum; Coronation of the Virgin, Vienna Museum.—C. & C., Flemish Painters, 321; Ch. Blanc, École flamande; Dohme, li.; Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 877; Michiels, iii. 234; iv. 455; W. & W., ii. 40.

BOWLES, MISS, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., Hertford House, London; canvas. A young girl seated on the ground, caressing a spaniel; background, landscape, with lowering sky. Called also Miss Bowles and her Dog, Girl with Dog, and Juvenile Amusement. Painted in 1775 for 50 guineas; bought by Marquis of Hertford for 1,000 guineas. Engraved by W. Ward (1798), W. Fry, C. Turner, J. Grozer, S. Cousins.—Athen., March, 1875, 365.

BOXALL, Sir WILLIAM, born at Oxford, June 26, 1800, died in London, Dec. 6, 1879. Student of the Royal Academy in 1819; visited Italy in 1827 and 1833, and repeatedly after he became director of the National Gallery. When young he executed a few subject pictures, among them Jupiter and Latona (1823), Contention of Michael and Satan for the Body of Moses (1824), Milton's Reconciliation with his Wife (1829), and Lear and Cordelia (1831), but finally devoted himself to portraiture, among his sitters being Wordsworth, Landor, Lord Coleridge, Gibson, Copley Fielding (National Portrait Gallery), Allan Cunningham, the Prince Consort, and other eminent men. Became an A.R.A. in 1851 and R.A. in 1863; succeeded Sir Charles Eastlake as director of the National Gallery in 1865, retired on account of ill-health in 1874, and in 1871 was knighted.—Cat. Nat. Gal.; Athenæum, Dec. 13, 1879; Sandby, ii. 326.

BOYLE, FERDINAND T. L., born in the United States, contemporary. Genre painter. Is an associate of the National Academy. Studio in New York. Work: Gran'ther's Pet (1884).

BOZACCO or BOZZATO. See Bazacco.

BRACCHETONE, IL. See Volterra.

BRACHT, FELIX PROSPER EUGEN, born at Morges on Lake Geneva, June 3, 1842. Landscape painter; pupil of the Carlsruhe Art School, and from 1861 in Düsseldorf, under Gude; gave up painting in 1864 and was for ten years a cotton broker; returned in 1875 to Carlsruhe, and has since then exhibited some excellent pictures. Medal, Carlsruhe, 1877. Works: Idyl from Heath of Lüneburg; Giant's Grave on Lüneburg Heath; Stormy Evening on Rügen; Shepherd on the Heath; Sandy Road in the Heath; Landscape on Rügen (1879). Exhibited at Munich (1883), Moonlight Night in the Desert, On the Dead Sea.—Müller, 72.

BRACKETT, WALTER M., born at Unity, Me., in 1823. Self-taught; first painted portraits and ideal heads, later very successful in painting fish. President of the Boston Art Club many years. Studio in Boston. Works: After the Battle, Earl of Dufferin; A Series of pictures: Rise, Leap, Last Struggle, Landed, Sir Richard Potter, London; Trout Picture, Grisle (1881).

BRADAMANTE AND FIORDASPINA, Guido Reni, Uffizi, Florence; canvas. Bradamante, near a fountain, listens to Fiordaspina, who relates the sad adventure of Roger (Orlando Furioso, Canto I.). Procured in 1667 from the Casino Mediceo, near S. Marco, Florence.—Soc. Ed. et Paris, Pl. 117.

BRADFORD, WILLIAM, born at New Bedford, Mass., about 1830. Marine painter; self-taught, but influenced by Van Beest, whose studio at Fairhaven he shared for two years. Began by painting ships in the harbour at Lynn, Mass., and on the coasts of Labrador and Nova Scotia; afterwards made several Arctic expeditions with Dr. Hayes, the explorer, and others, to study icebergs and ice-floes, and from the sketches painted pictures which were exhibited in London and bought by the Queen, Baroness Burdett-Coutts, and the Marchioness of Lorne. Elected A.N.A. in 1874. Studio in New York. Works: Steamer Panther among Icebergs in Melville Bay under Light of Midnight Sun,