Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/313

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C. & C., Italy, iii. 563; Villot, Louvre; Ch. Blanc, École florentine; Filhol, viii. Pl. 505; Klass. der Malerei, i. Pl. 30; Landon, Musée, x. Pl. 42; Dohme, 2iii. 2; Mündler, Essai, 25; Musée royal, i.

By Anton Van Dyck, Earl of Lonsdale, Lowther Castle; canvas, H. 4 ft. 9 in. × 3 ft. 9 in. A beautiful woman, in a white robe and blue scarf, with a scarlet mantle over her knees, sitting with a naked infant in her lap; a second child standing at her right, and a third behind her. Copies: Dulwich Gallery; Hope Collection; P. Methuen. Engraved by C. Caukercken; W. Ryland. Lithographed by Lafosse.—Smith, iii. 118; Guiffrey; Waagen, Treasures, iii. 261.

CHARLATAN, Gerard Dou, Munich Gallery; wood, H. 3 ft. 6 in. × 2 ft. 7 in.; signed, dated 1652. A quack doctor, on a stage covered with a Turkish carpet and roofed with a large umbrella, holding forth on the virtues of his drugs to a numerous assemblage of people. One of his most famous pictures. Formerly in Düsseldorf Gallery. Injured by injudicious cleaning and restoring. Engraved by Wille; C. Hess.—Smith, i. 37; Ch. Blanc, École hollandaise.

CHARLAY-POMPON, CHARLES, born in Paris; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Rapin. Medal, 3d class, 1885. Works: L'Uveaune near Marseilles (1883); November (1884); The Last Leaves, Road of La Souris (1885).

CHARLEMAGNE, CORONATION OF, Raphael, Stanza dell' Incendio del Borgo, Vatican; fresco. H 15 ft. 11 in. × 21 ft. 4 in. Leo III. (portrait of Leo X.), seated in foreground, about to place the crown on the head of the kneeling emperor (portrait of Francis I.), beside whom stands a page (Ippolito de' Medici); on each side, cardinals with their trainbearers; in background, the warrior wearing a helmet encircled by a crown is supposed to be Pepin, who was anointed at same time as his father. Typical of the dogma that the temporal power is subject to the spiritual. Painted in 1517, probably by pupils from designs of Raphael. Engraved by Fr. Aquila, Aloysio Fabri, and Landon.—Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 361; Passavant, ii. 157; Müntz, 427.

CHARLEMAGNE AND WITTIKIND, Ary Scheffer, Versailles Museum; canvas. Wittikind, the heathen King of the Saxons, after his defeat in two great battles, surrendered to Charlemagne at Attigny-sur-Seine in A.D. 785 and was baptized. Charlemagne, mounted, at right, accompanied by soldiers and ecclesiastics, receives the submission of Wittikind, who, with his family and other followers, kneels before him. Subject treated also by Wilhelm Kaulbach, Maximilianeum, Munich.

CHARLEMONT, ÉDUARD, born at Znaim, Moravia, in 1848. Genre and portrait painter; pupil of the Vienna Academy under Engerth, then of Makart, who enabled him to visit Italy; remained some time in Venice, and travelled in Germany and France; has recently settled in Paris. Works: The Antiquaries (1872); Two Boys in Rubens's Costume, Two Scenes from Snowdrop, Four Divisions of the Day, Four Seasons, Five Continents, Lansquenet (1878).—Müller, 101; N. illustr. Zeitg., (1878), ii. 602; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiii. 352.

CHARLEMONT, HUGO, born at Znaim, Moravia, in 1850. Landscape painter; brother of Éduard, pupil of the Vienna Academy under Lichtenfels, then under his brother and Makart; travelled in 1874 in Holland. Works: Interior of Makart's Studio, Still-life with Peacocks.—Müller, 101; Zeitschr. f. b. K, x. 384; xiii. 353.

CHARLES I., portrait, Anton van Dyck, National Gallery, London; canvas, H. 12 ft. 6 in. × 9 ft. 6 in. Charles I., of England, in armour, on a roan charger, attended by his equerry, Sir Thomas Morton, on foot, bearing helmet; in background, a cavalry combat. Formerly in Collection of Charles I.; purchased in Munich by John, Duke of Marlborough, and long in Blenheim Palace. Sold to National Gallery in 1884 for £17,500. Copies: Duke of Portland, Earl of Clarendon; study at Buckingham Palace. En-