Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/336

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Christ Crowned with Thorns, Titian, Louvre.

Subject treated also by Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Munich Gallery; Marten van Heemskirck, Nuremberg Gallery.

CHRIST AT THE TOMB, Henri Lévy, Paris. The body of Christ lies upon a flat stone covered with a black pall, the right arm hanging down, the hand touching a copper dish in which are the nails and a cloth stained with blood, and beside which is the crown of thorns; at the head sits an angel, partly covered with violet drapery, who holds a trumpet in his right and raises with his left hand the pall; at the foot, a second angel, in a purple tunic, is bent in grief over the Saviour's feet. Salon, 1873. Etched by Charles Waltner.—Gazette des B. Arts (1873), viii. 42; Larousse, xvi. (Sup.), 535.



CHRIST APPEARING TO VIRGIN, Guido Reni, Dresden Gallery; canvas, H. 11 ft. 6 in. × 8 ft. 1 in. Christ, standing, attended by an angel, bearing the banner of Redemption, and followed by two disciples with clasped hands, appears to the Virgin, who kneels at left; behind her, in background, is St. Charles Borromeo, an angel, Adam, and Eve; above, angels with palms. From Modena Gallery. Engraved by N. Tardieu.—Gal. Roy. de Dresde, i. Pl. 22.

By Titian, S. Maria, Medole; canvas, H. 9 ft. × 6 ft. 6 in. Meeting of Mary and Christ after the Ascension; the Virgin, kneeling on the clouds, raises her hands in surprise as Christ, in grave-clothes, shows her the stigmata; behind him are Adam, Eve, and two patriarchs. Painted in 1554, and presented by Titian to the church when his nephew became canon; damaged by its concealment in a tomb during French Revolution; unsuccessfully restored in 1862.—C. & C., Titian, ii. 240.

CHRISTENSEN, GODFRED, born in Copenhagen, July 23, 1845. Landscape painter; pupil of Copenhagen Academy under Kiaerschou, where he won prizes in 1865 and 1871, went in 1873 to Paris, where he was much influenced by the colouris. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1881. Works: Beech Tree (1865); Zealand Landscape (1870); Fenn in North Zealand (1871); Highway with Willows (1873); Himmelbjerget (1880), Copenhagen Gallery.—Sigurd Müller, 61; Weilbach, 111.


CHRISTIAN PARNASSUS. See Triumph of Religion in Arts.

CHRISTINA, ST., GLORIFICATION OF, Vincenzo Catena, S. M. Mater Domini, Venice; wood, arched at top. Christ, on high, gives a blessing to the Saint kneeling on a cloud at his feet; below, in a landscape,