Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/349

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Works: Sewing-Room in a Franciscan Monastery; Prayer before Baptism; The Jews; Birthday Celebration in Russia.—Müller, 108.

CLOET, JEHAN. See Clouet, Jean.

CLOSS, GUSTAV, born in Stuttgart, Nov. 14, 1840, died at Prien, on Lake Chiem, Aug. 14, 1870. Landscape painter, pupil of Funk in Stuttgart Art School. Visited Italy in 1863, Munich in 1864, Brussels, Antwerp, and Paris in 1866, and settled in Munich. His Italian landscapes are picturesquely conceived and executed with great technical skill. His illustrations of German poets show the influence of Doré. Works: Villa of Hadrian, Road near Sorrento, Group of Cypresses near Tivoli, Campagna near Rome, Piazza della Fontana in Olevano, Evening at Villa Pamfili, The Lonely Inn, Christmas Eve, Autumn Night in the Park.—Allgem. d. Biogr., iv. 342; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 124.

CLOTILDA, QUEEN, EDUCATION OF CHILDREN OF, Alma-Tadema, King of the Belgians. Clotilda, widowed queen of Clovis, first Christian monarch of France (6th century), seated upon a throne in background, is watching her sons, who are throwing the battle-axe at a wooden target under the superintendence of an old captain-at-arms. She is attended by priests and women; at left, soldiers watching the play. Painted in 1861. Replica, J. H. Stebbins, New York.—Art Treasures of America, i. 95.

CLOUET, FRANÇOIS, born in Tours about 1500, died between 1570 and 1572. French school; son and probably pupil of Jean Clouet; also called, like his father, Janet or Maître Jehannet. Received letters of naturalization from Francis I. in 1541, when he succeeded his father as painter and valet de chambre to the king; held same offices under Henry II. and Charles IX. Works: Portrait of Francis I. (1534), Lord Dudley, London; Portrait of the Dauphin François II. (1524), Antwerp Museum; do. of Henri II. (1553), Louvre; do. as a youth, Hampton Court; Portrait of Henri II., do. of Duke of Anjou, Berlin Museum; Equestrian portrait of Henri II. (copy?), Uffizi, Florence; do. of Azay le Rideau; Portrait of Charles IX. (1563), Vienna Museum; copy by Clouet in little, Louvre; Elizabeth of Austria (1570), Louvre; Henri III., Duc d'Alençon (1577-78), Stafford House, London. There are many other doubtful pictures attributed to Clouet, as well as hundreds of crayon drawings. Among the latter are collections in the Bibliothèque d'Estampes and the Louvre, Paris, in the British Museum and Stafford House, London, at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, and in the Collection of Archduke Albert, Vienna.—Pattison, Renaissance of Art in France, i. 327; Ch. Blanc, École française; Schnasse, viii. 333; W. & W., ii. 527; Villot, Cat. Louvre; Siret, 205; Gower, Three Hundred Portraits by Clouet at Castle Howard (London, 1875); W. & W., ii. 527.

CLOUET, JEAN, born about 1485, died in Paris (?) about 1541. French school; son of Jehan Cloet, a painter of Brussels, who was in the service of the Duke of Burgundy about 1475; commonly called Maître Jehannet or Janet (diminutive of Jehan); settled in France, first at Tours and afterward in Paris. Became painter and valet de chambre to Francis I. in 1518; probably painted portraits, but no authentic work extant, unless the Portrait of Francis I.? (1535-40), Louvre, be one.—Laborde, Renaissance, etc., i. 1, 79; Fréville, Archives de l'Art français, i. 1, 97, 287, iv. 44; Ch. Blanc, Ecole française; Villot, Cat. Louvre; Pattison, Renaissance of Art in France, i. 307.

CLOVIO, Don GIORGIO GIULIO, born at Grizane in Illyria in 1498, died in Rome,