Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/353

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Stephen; Exploits of Alexander, Villa Torlonia; Battle of Amazons, Triumph of Bacchus, Four Elements, Villa Castel-Gandolfo; Fable of Psyche and Cupid, Parnassus, Torlonia Palazzo, Rome; Fable of Prometheus, Apollo followed by the Hours, Basilica of Savona.—Brockhaus, iv. 486; Larousse; L'Illustrazione italiana, 1875.

COGNIET, LÉON, born in Paris, Aug. 29, 1794, died there, Nov. 20, 1880. History and portrait painter, pupil of Guérin; won the prix de Rome in 1817. Medals: 2d class, 1824; 1st class, 1855; L. of Honour, 1828; Officer, 1846; Prussian Order pour le mérite, 1865; member of Institute, 1849. His first pictures, though classical in style, show a realistic tendency. Founder of one of the best art schools in Paris. Works: Metabus, King of the Volscians (1822); Marius at Carthage, Massacre of the Innocents (1824); Numa in the Grotto of Egeria; Rape of Rebecca; Napoleon in Egypt, Paris National Guard in 1792 (1836); Battle of Rivoli, Episodes in Egyptian Campaign, Versailles Museum; Tintoretto painting his Dead Daughter (1843), Bordeaux Museum; St. Stephen, St. Nicolas-des-Champs; Magdalen, Madeleine, Paris.—Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1882), 361; Larousse; Meyer, Gesch., 439; Gaz. des B. Arts (1881), xxiii. 33.

COGNIET, Mme. LÉON, (née Catherine Caroline Thévenin), born in Lyons, Oct. 23, 1813. History and genre painter; wife and pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals: 3d class, 1840; 2d class, 1843. Works: A Studio (1836); Bad Fellow (1837); Red Fish (1838); Prix de Rome (1840); Sick Girl (1843); Virginia (1848); St. Cecilia (1852); St. Geneviève as a Child (1853).

COIGNARD, LOUIS, born in Mayenne in 1812, died in 1883. Animal and landscape painter; pupil of Picot. Medals: 3d class, 1846; 1st class, 1848. Works: Mary in Desert (1838); Little Fisherman by Sea, Christ and Disciples at Emmaus, Sleep, Evening, Cattle in Woods (1842-1845); Cows on Borders of a Wood (1846); Bulls Fighting (1847); Drinking Place, Morning (1848); Woman watching Cows, The Bull, Cares of a Farmer's Wife, Morning Rest, Henri IV.'s Oak (1849-53), bought by State; Morning Repose (1852), Luxembourg Museum; Pasture in Holland, Valley of the Main (1855); During the Storm, Landscape with Animals (1857); Grass and Drinking Place in Valley of the Auge, Bulls Fighting, The Cow Pond (1859); Herd in Pasture (1861); Landscape in Normandy (1863); Herd at Edge of Forest, Cows in a Marsh (1873); Cows in a Belgian Forest (1874); Flock of Sheep, Morning in Pasture (1875); Cattle Resting, Drinking Place (1876); Cattle Resting in a Prairie (1877).

COIGNET, JULES (LOUIS PHILIPPE), born in Paris, Dec. 2, 1798, died there April 1, 1860. Landscape painter, pupil of Bertin; travelled in Italy and the East, and painted many pictures marked by poetical feeling and delicacy of light and shade effects. Also produced many water-colours and chalk drawings, and wrote a work on landscape painting. Medals: 2d class, 1842, 1848; L. of Honour, 1836. His Ruins of Temple of Pæstum, one of his best works, is in the Munich Gallery.—Bryan (Graves).

COL, DAVID, born in Antwerp, April 6, 1822. Genre painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy. His pictures, mostly on a small scale, are to be found in nearly all the museums and private collections of Belgium. Order of Leopold, 1875. Works: Shaving Day; Out with You! Throwing Snowballs; Canary Fancier; Interrupted Meal; The Blusterers (1875).—Müller, 109.

COLANTONIO DEL FIORE, born in 1352 (?) died in 1444 (?) Neapolitan school. The question of the existence of this painter rests on a letter written in 1524 by Summonzio the architect, who says that Colantonio abandoned tempera for oils, which he learned from Réné of Anjou, but that he