Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/365

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By Gerard Terburg, Louvre, Paris; wood, H. 1 ft. 6 in. × 1 ft. 5 in.; signed. A young woman, seated near a table, is singing, holding a sheet of music in one hand and beating time with the other; at left, behind the table, a woman standing accompanies her with a sistrum; at right, a page brings a glass upon a silver tray.—Villot, Cat. Louvre.

CONCERT, RUSTIC, Giorgione (?), Louvre; canvas, H. 3 ft. 7 in. × 4 ft. 3 in. A nude woman, with back to spectator, sits under a tree with two young men, one holding a lute; at the left, a scantily clad woman pours water into a stone tank from a glass vase; in glade beyond, a shepherd. Probably by an imitator of Sebastian del Piombo. In collection of Charles I. of England; acquired by Jabach, who sold it to Louis XIV. Engraved by N. Dupuy; Hoelzel; J. Falck.—C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 146; Cab. Crozat, ii.; Musée français, ii.; Filhol, iii. 213: Landon, Musée, vii. Pl. 59.

Rustic Concert, Giorgione, Louvre.

CONCERT OF WOMEN, Tintoretto, Dresden Gallery; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in. × 6 ft. 11 in. Several young women, nude, playing musical instruments. From Prague Gallery. Restored by Palmeroli.

CONDEMNED MAN, LAST DAY OF, Michael Munkácsy, Mrs. W. P. Wilstach, Philadelphia. Scene: interior of a Hungarian prison. A condemned man receiving, on the day before execution, according to local custom, visits from his townsmen, who bring offerings of money to pay for masses for his soul. Etched by A. Mathey (1883). Photogravure in Art Treasures of America.—Art Treas. of Amer., iii. 30.

CONEGLIANO, BATTISTA DA. See Cima da Conegliano.

CONFERENCE AT POISSY, Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury, Luxembourg Museum; canvas, H. 3 ft. × 4 ft. 4 in. To settle the differences between the Protestants and the Catholics a conference was held at Poissy, in 1561, in the presence of Catherine de Medicis and the young King Charles IX. Theodore Beza appeared for the Protestants. Salon, 1840.

CONFERENCE, RETURN FROM, Gustave Courbet, Louvre; canvas. A party of jolly monks, returning from the conference, are evidently under the influence of wine. One, mounted upon a donkey, is held in his seat by two of his comrades, while others follow in a straggling procession. In foreground, left, are a peasant and his wife, the latter kneeling devoutly, the former standing in a defiant and contemptuous attitude. Painted in 1863. Purchased at Lepel-Cointet sale for 15,600 francs.

CONFESSORS, RIVAL, Eduardo Zamacoïs, J. J. Astor, New York; canvas, H. 1 ft. 6 in. × 2 ft. The interior of a church, with altar at left, the candles on which are being lighted by a Benedictine monk; at right, two confessionals, a monk of same order in each box; one, austere and grim, has no penitents before him, while the other, with a round, benevolent face, is thronged. Salon, 1869; sold to John Taylor Johnston; at