Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/38

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Springer, Anton. Michel Angelo in Rome. Leipsic, 1875.

Springer, Anton. Rafael und Michel Angelo. Leipsic, 1878.

Springer, Anton. Die Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts. Leipsic, 1884.

Stafford Gallery, by William Young Ottley and Peltro William Tomkins. London, 1818.

Stendhal, De (Henri Beyle). Histoire de la peinture en Italie. Paris, 1860.

Stephens, Frederic George. Early Works of Landseer. London, 1869.

Stephens, Frederic G. Sir Edwin Landseer, London, 1880.

Stephens, Frederic G. Catalogue of the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, 1884.

Stephens, Frederic G. English Children as Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, 1884.

Sternberg, Alexander Freiherr von. Berühmte deutsche Frauen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipsic, 1848.

Stillfried, Heinrich Graf. Leben und Kunstleistungen des Malers Georg Phillip Rugendas. Berlin, 1879.

Stirling, William. Annals of the Artists of Spain. London, 1848.

Stirling, William. Velasquez and his Works. London, 1855.

Stoddard, Richard Henry. The Life, Letters. and Table Talk of Benjamin Robert Haydon. New York, 1876.

Stothert, James. French and Spanish Painters. Philadelphia, 1875.

Stowe, Edwin. Velasquez. London, 1881.

Strabo, Geography of.

Stromer, Th. Murillo, Leben und Werke. Berlin, 1879.

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Stuers, Victor de. Notice historique et descriptive des tableaux et des sculptures exposés dans le Musée royal de La Haye. The Hague, 1874.

Suidas, Lexicon of.

Sunaert, A. P. Catalogue descriptif du Musée de Gand. Ghent, 1870.

Sweetser, M. F. Artist Biographies. Boston, 1882-1885.

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. William Blake. A Critical Essay. London, 1868.

Symonds, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy. London, 1875-80.

Taflor. Svenska malare's T. med Text. Stockholm, 1875.

Taillason, J. J. Observations sur quelques grands peintres. Paris, 1807.

Tassi, Francesco Maria. Vite de pittori bergamaschi. Bergamo, 1793.

Taylor, Tom. Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon. London, 1853.

Taylor, Tom. Autobiographical Recollections. London, 1860.

Temple Bar. London.

Thausing, Moriz. Albrecht Dürer. Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Kunst. Leipsic, 1876. English translation, edited by Frederic A. Eaton. London, 1882.

Thausing, Moriz. Wiener Kunstbriefe. Leipsic, 1884.

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Thienemann, Georg August Wilhelm. Leben und Wirken des unvergleichlichen Thiermalers und Kupferstechers Johann Elias Ridinger. Leipsic, 1856.

Thornbury, Walter. Life of Turner. London, 1877.

Tielemann, G. Karl Grass. Riga, 1818.

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Tubino, Francisco M. Murillo, su epoca, su vida, sus cuadros. Seville, 1864.

Tubino, Francisco M. Pablo de Cespedes. Madrid, 1868.

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