Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/385

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over Maxentius, became a battle painter. In 1655 became a lay brother in the order of the Jesuits, and for some time painted only sacred subjects. Pictures in Berlin, Cassel, Dresden, Florence, Munich, Paris, St. Petersburg, Rome, and Stockholm galleries. His brother Guillaume C. (1628-1679) was a pupil of Pietro da Cortona, but followed the style of Carlo Maratti.—Ch. Blanc, École française; Villot, Cat. Louvre.

COUSIN, JEAN, born at Soucy near Sens (Yonne) about 1500, died 1589. French school; glass painter, history and miniature painter, engraver, and sculptor. Studied glass painting with Hympe and Grassot. Much renowned among his countrymen for his historical paintings. Works: Last Judgment, Louvre; Woman giving Alms, Brunswick Gallery; Miniatures in Prayer Book of Henry II., Bibliothèque nationale, Paris; Descent from Cross (1521, Mentz), attributed to him.—Ch. Blanc, École française; Villot, Cat. Louvre.

COUTOURIER, LÉON LUCIEN, born at Macôn, France; contemporary. History painter, pupil of Danguin and Cabanel. Works: Attack of Navy Riflemen (1875); Vanguard Engagement (1876); Extra Duty on Water (1877); Alarm of the Chouans in 1793, Tailor of Boqueneven (1878); Drummer School, Peasant of Guerchy (1879); An Alert (1880); The Recital (1881); Forced March (1883); The Baggage Master (1884); The Remount Depot (1885).

COUTOURIER, PHILIBERT LÉON, born at Chalon-sur-Saône (Saône-et-Loire), May 26, 1823. Animal painter, pupil of Nicolas Coutourier and Picot. Paints especially poultry with great skill. Medals: 3d class, 1855, 1861. Works: Peasant, Drinkers (1873); Conscripts of Revenge, Rhapsodist reciting to Sailors, Lard Soup (1874); Dado, Little Mother (1875); Young Girl and Poultry, Rat Council (1876); Grand-*mother (1878); A Corner in the Yard (1880); Waiting for the Paste (1881); Two Friends (1884); Rat retired from the World, Rat Council (1885).

COUTURE, THOMAS, born at Senlis (Oise), Dec. 21, 1815, died in Villiers le Bel (Seine-et-Oise), March 31, 1879. History and genre painter, pupil of Gros, and of Paul Delaroche. Although he won the 2d grand prix in 1837, and attracted attention by several able pictures in the course of the next decade, it was not until 1847 that Couture became celebrated by his Romans of the Decadence (Luxembourg Museum), a picture which in the united qualities of composition, conception, drawing, and colour, has few if any rivals in modern art. His technical skill and great reputation brought him many pupils, among whom was the American artist William M. Hunt. He was selected by Napoleon III. to paint a ceiling for the Louvre representing the birth of the Prince Imperial, but having quarrelled with the Empress about the drapery of the child, he became hostile to the Government and seldom sent any pictures to the Salon. In 1867 he published an essay on art entitled "Entretiens d'Atelier." Medals: 3d class, 1844; 1st class, 1847 and 1855; L. of Honour, 1848. Works: Young Venetian after an Orgy (1840); Prodigal Son, Widow, Return from the Fields (1841); Troubadour (1843); Jocunda, Love of Gold (1844), Toulouse Museum; Gypsy Girl (1852); The Falconer (1855); Volunteers of 1793 (1856);