Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/389

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the Emperor Maximilian. Cranach was court painter to three successive Electors, Frederic the Wise, John the Constant, and Frederic the Magnanimous, whose captivity he shared after the Battle of Mühlberg, at Augsburg, where he met and painted Titian in October, 1552. The latter part of his life was spent at Weimar, where he commenced to paint one of his finest pictures, but died before its completion. The pictures in his first manner were painted before 1520, then followed a period of transition to his second manner, which dates from 1530. Works: Repose in Egypt (1504), Palazzo Sciarra Colonna, Rome; The Fourteen Helpers in Need (1505), St. Mary's, Torgau; Last Judgment (1511-12); Madonna with Grapes (1512), Munich Gallery; Descent from the Cross, St. Mary's, Lübeck; Rosary, Bamberg Cathedral; SS. Willibald and Walpurga (1520), Bamberg Gallery; Adoration of Magi, St. Wenceslaus, Naumburg; Madonna with Marriage of St. Catherine (1516); Madonna, St. Jacob's, Tunsbruck; White Madonna, Königsberg Cathedral; Madonna under the Apple Tree, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Madonna unter Tannen, St. John's, Breslau; Madonna, Carlsruhe Gallery; Madonna, Erfurt Cathedral; Magdalen (1525), Cologne Museum; Altarpiece (1529), Marienkirche, Halle; Adam and Eve (2), Berlin Museum; replicas, Brunswick Gallery and Vienna Museum; Adam and Eve (1528), Uffizi, Florence; Judith and Holofernes at Table (1531), Judith after the Deed (1531), Gotha Gallery; Judith with Head of Holofernes, Vienna, Dresden, Stuttgart, and Cassel Galleries; Samson and Delilah, City Hall, Augsburg; Christ (1534), Meissen Cathedral; Christ and the Adulteress, Munich Gallery; replica, Maurice Chapel, Nuremberg; do., National Gallery, Pesth; Christ and the Children, Stadtkirche, Naumburg; do., Paulinerkirche, Leipsic; Nine Passion Scenes, three in Museum, six in Royal Palace, Berlin; Fall and Redemption (1529), Gotha Gallery; same subject (1529), Prague Gallery; Altarpiece, Stadtkirche, Weimar; Last Supper, Stadtkirche, Wittenberg; Raising of Lazarus, Venus and Cupid, Apollo and Diana, Berlin Museum; Cupid stung by Bees, Weimar Gallery; Venus and Cupid, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna; Judgment of Paris, Carlsruhe Gallery; Faun Family, Hercules Spinning, Death of Lucretia (1524), Munich Gallery; same subject (1532), Vienna Academy; Fountain of Youth, Berlin Museum; Dying Scene (1518), Leipzig Museum; Old Rich Man and Poor Young Girl, Vienna Academy and Prague Gallery; Stag Hunt (1529); Crucifixion, Stadtkirche, Weimar; Great Hunt at Moritzburg (2, 1543, 1544), Madrid Museum; Portraits: Christian Scheuerl (1509), Nuremberg Museum; Duke Albrecht the Bold and Duchess Sidonie (1519), Historical Museum, Dresden; Luther, Luther's Wife, Melanchthon, Elector Frederic the Wise, John Frederic the Magnanimous, Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg (1525), Darmstadt Gallery (1527), Berlin Museum; several other Portraits of Luther and Wife and of the Saxon Electors named, Portrait of Cranach (1550), Uffizi, Florence, and many others.—Allgem. d. Biogr., iv. 559; Ch. Blanc, École allemande; Brockhaus, iv. 657; Dohme, li.; Kugler (Crowe), i. 188; Kugler, Kl. Schriften, ii. 32; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 634; xix. 607; Schuchardt, Lucas C.'s Leben und Werke (Leipsic, 1851-71); Warnecke, Lucas C. d. Altere (Görlitz, 1879); W. & W., ii. 419; Zahn's Jahrbücher, vi. 124; Zeitschr. f. b. K., viii. 322.

CRANACH, LUCAS, the younger, born at Wittenberg, Oct. 4, 1515, died at Weimar, Jan. 25, 1586. German school; pupil of his father, Lucas the elder, whom he suc-