Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/423

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during St. Bartholomew's Night (1850); Jane Shore, The Dauphin in Prison of the Temple (1852); Portraits of Duke of Orléans and Princess Clementine (1831), Palazzo Royal; King and Queen of Belgium (1834); Mlle. de Montpensier (1834), Palazzo Royal; Lamartine (1839).—Biog. nat. de Belgique, iv. 860; Immerzeel, i. 169; Kramm, ii. 324; Larousse, vi. 209.

DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL, born in Paris, March 3, 1803, died at Fontainebleau, Aug. 22, 1860. History, landscape, and genre painter; pupil of Abel de Pujol, David, and Ingres. He freed himself early from classical principles of style and imitation of the antique, and formed himself through the study of Nature, and his name was soon counted with those of Ingres, Delacroix, and Delaroche as a leader of the modern romantic French school. In 1827 he accompanied the marine painter Garneray to Greece, Constantinople, and Asia Minor, and conceived a lasting predilection for Oriental subjects, which he treated with consummate skill and power. Works: Soldier of the Vizier's Guard (1827); Turkish Patrol in Smyrna (1831), Turkish Execution (1839), Miraculous Draught of Fishes (1855), and others, Sir R. Wallace, London; Turkish Children near a Fountain (1833); Body Guard on Road from Smyrna to Magnesia (1834, Maison sale, 1868, 80,000 fr.), Rebecca at Well (1848), Bertrand and Raton, Duc d'Aumale, Chantilly; Defeat of the Cimbri by Marius (1834), Fowls and Ducks, Cottier Collection; Reading Firman at House of Village Agha, Women Bathing (1834), M. Formé; Samson, Joseph sold by his Brethren (1839), Child playing with Lizard, The Ford, Dr. L. Véron; Finding of Moses (1837), Joseph Face; Punishment of the Hooks, Village Street in Papal States (1839); Turkish Children coming out of School (1841, Lehon sale, Paris, 1861, 34,000 fr.); Towing Horses (1842), The Caravan, Louvre, Paris; Siege of Clermont (1842); Life of Samson (9 designs, 1845); Turkish School, Shepherd's Return, Souvenir of Turkey in Asia (1846), Huntsman and Dogs at Fault, Fodor Museum, Amsterdam; Heron, The Desert (1849); Turkish Cavalry crossing Ford, Flight into Egypt, Greek Pirates (1850); Rebecca and Eliezer (1851), Baron Royer; Monkey Painter, Hunting with Falcon, Hunters at the Meet, late Duc de Morny; Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, Baron G. de Rothschild; Turkish Coffee-House, Comte Lariboissière; Spaniards playing Cards, M. Jules Delon; Children playing with Turtle, Donkeys, M. Paturle; Interior of Farm-House, Comte T. du Châtel; Farmyard, Baron Corvisart; Turkish Children playing with Turtles, M. Cuvillier-Fleury; Tow-Horses, M. Ravenaz; Village in Italy, Tiger and Elephant, M. Gaillard père; Donkey and Learned Dogs, Beggar counting Receipts, M. Albert; Turkish Butcher, Italian Peasant, The Grandmother, Ball Players, M. Gaillard fils; Kennel, Interior of a Yard, Baron Michel; Souvenir of Turkey in Asia, Albanians, Gypsies, Turkish Coffee-House, Improviser, M. Henri Didier-Goédon; Hunter in the Marsh, M. Bonnet; Halt of Arab Cavalry, Dogs, Marquis of Harcourt; Monkeys, Large Turkish Bazaar, Lord Henry Seymour; Monkey Bakers, Monkey Pork-Butchers, M. Joseph Fau; Interior of a Courtyard in Italy (Pillet sale, 1881, 36,800 fr.); Sunset at Fécamp (Everard sale, 1872, 18,000 fr.); Village Street (Dagnan sale, 1881, 16,300 fr.); Suburbs of Smyrna (Narischkine sale, 1883, 36,100 fr.); Street of Italian Village (do., 48,000 fr.). Works in United States: Night-