Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/441

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  • varian Prisoners, Corcoran Gallery, Washington.—Gaz.

des B. Arts (1874), ix. 419; L'Art (1875), ii. 49; (1878), xiv. 29; Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1884), ii. 249; Montrosier, Artistes modernes (Paris, 1883); Zeitschr. f. b. K., xvi. 291.

DÉTOUCHE, LAURENT DIDIER, born at Reims, July 29, 1815. History and genre painter, pupil of P. Delaroche and Robert-Fleury. Medal: 3d class, 1841. Works: Little Lover, Reims Museum; Mother's Last Wish, St. Paul, Reims Cathedral; Execution of Joan of Arc; Raising of Lazarus (1843), Church of Fismes; Colbert at Dunkirk; Catherine de Medicis with Ruggieri; Rabelais's Quarter of an Hour; Remorse of Charles IX. (1854); Death of Coligny; The Alchemist (1865); The Last Valois; Blaise Pascal; Jewish Jewel Merchant (1875).—Vapereau.

DÉTOUCHE, PAUL ÉMILE, called Destouches, born at Dampierre (Seine-Inférieure), Dec. 16, 1794, died in Paris in 1874. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of David, Guérin, Gros, and Girodet. Medals: 1st class, 1819, 1827. Chiefly noted for genre pictures, such as The Orphan Girl, Young Conscript, Wounded Student, Convalescing, Return to the Old House (1827). Other works: Joan of Arc at the Stake; St. Elizabeth among the Poor; Raising of Lazarus, Cathedral of Vannes; Christ on the Mount, St. Victor, Paris; Scheherazade, Cherbourg Museum; Expectation of Masked Ball, Departure for the City, Nantes Museum.—Meyer, Gesch., 175.

DETTI, CESARE, born in Rome; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Academy of San Luca, Rome. Studio in Paris. Works: Sad Lover, R. G. Dun, New York; The Duet, William Astor, New York; Guard Room, R. C. Taft, Providence; L'Amour, A. Adams, Watertown, Mass.; Gathering Flowers, W. B. Bement, Philadelphia; Rest, Farewell (1877), Naples Exposition; The Concert (1884); Arrival of the Newly Married (1885).


DEUTSCH, RUDOLF VON, born at Moscow, October 27, 1835. History and genre painter, pupil of Dresden Academy; visited Italy in 1863-66, afterwards Belgium and England, and settled in Berlin in 1866. Work: Rape of Helen, National Gallery, Berlin.—Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. 9.

DEVENTER, JAN FREDERIK VAN, born in Brussels, November 27, 1822. Landscape painter, nephew and pupil in Ghent of H. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. Member of Amsterdam Academy, 1852. Medal, The Hague, 1857. Works: Evening Landscape (1841); Dutch Coast View; Wooded Land-*cape with Mill; Dutch Copse and Meadow; River Landscape (1857).—Immerzeel, i. 179; Kramm, ii. 335.

DEVÉRIA, EUGÈNE (FRANÇOIS MARIE JOSEPH), born in Paris in 1805, died at Pau (Basses-Pyrénées), Feb. 15, 1865. History and portrait painter, brother of Achille D., pupil of Girodet; came at once into prominence through his Birth of Henry IV. In 1836 he became Protestant pastor at Pau; but in 1837 painted for the historical Museum in Versailles, and ceilings in the Louvre, the Palais Royal, and Nôtre Dame de Lorette. Works: Nun defended by Grenadier; Grenadier nursed by Nun; Death of Joan of Arc, Angers Museum; Birth of Henry IV. (1827), Louvre; Battle of Marseilles, Conquest of Saverne (1837), Versailles Museum; Unveiling of Statue of Henry IV. at Pau (1846); Death of Joanna Seymour (1847); The Four Henrys (1857); Halt of Spanish Merchants (1859); Reception of Columbus by Ferdinand and Isabella (1861). Portraits of Marshals Brissac and Crèvecœur, Versailles Museum.—Ch. Blanc, Artistes de mon Temps, 88; Larousse, vi. 653; Lejeune, Guide, iii. 78; L'Art (1883), i., xxxii. 61, 121, 141, 161, 181; Meyer, Gesch., 282.

DEVÉRIA, (JACQUES JEAN MARIE) ACHILLE, born in Paris, Feb. 6, 1810,