Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/451

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went the following year to Vienna. Works: View near Salzburg (1796), Salzburg Landscape in Storm (1797), Vienna Museum; six Views around Eisenberg, Hungary, National Gallery, Pesth; Cascades of Tivoli and Valley of Ustica (1798), Prague Gallery; two from Coliseum, View of Vesuvius, View of Naples, View near Albano, Pyramid of Cestius.—Andresen, iii. 123; Larousse, vi. 784; Wurzbach, iii. 286.

DIETEKEN, C. (D. Cieteken ?), flourished about 1630. Dutch school; landscape painter in the manner of Gillis d'Hondecoeter. Work: Siege of Spanish Fortress in the Netherlands (1630), Berlin Museum.

DIÉTERLE, Mme. MARIE, born at Sèvres, France; contemporary. Landscape painter, daughter and pupil of E. van Marcke. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works: Pasture in Normandy (1881); Le Pré-Caudron (1882); Road of Rambures, Farm-Yard (1884); Meadow of Monthières at Morning, Old Apple-Tree (1885).

DIETERLEIN. See Dietterlein.

DIETHE, ALFRED, born in Dresden, Feb. 13, 1836. History painter, pupil of the Dresden Academy, and of Julius Hübner. Works: Disciples at Emmaus (1860), Dresden Gallery; Mary at Elizabeth's; Landing of Columbus at San Salvador; Luther posting his Theses; Lorenzo de' Medici; Elector Augustus and Electress Anna of Saxony; Allegorical Figures of Mathematics, Natural Science, History, and Geography.—Müller, 136.

DIETLER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, born at Solothurn, Switzerland, in 1804, died in Berne, May 4, 1874. Portrait painter, pupil in Solothurn of Germann, studied for several years in Paris, then in Italy and Geneva, and settled in Berne; one of the best modern portrait painters. Works: Burgomaster Wengi before the Canon; Women of Brienz; In the Artists' Book of Zofing.—Kunst-Chronik, ix. 658.

DIETRICH, ANTON, born at Meissen, Saxony, in 1833. History painter, pupil of the Dresden Academy, then of Schnorr; went in 1859 to Düsseldorf, and having visited Italy in 1861, executed fresco paintings in the hall of the Kreuzschule in Dresden. Works: Faust with Gretchen in the Prison (1859). Frescos: Abraham's Sacrifice; Death of Marcus Curtius; Death of Socrates; Luther at Worms; Poets, Scholars, and Artists; Allegorical Figure of School (1868-72), Hall of Kreuzschule, Dresden.—Müller, 136.

DIETRICH (Dietrici, or Dietericy), CHRISTIAN WILHELM ERNST, born in Weimar, Oct. 30, 1712, died in Dresden, April 24, 1774. German school; history, genre, and landscape painter, first instructed by his father, court painter in Weimar, then pupil in Dresden of Alex. Thiele, where by his great talent he won the life-long patronage of Count Brühl, and attracted the attention of Augustus the Strong, who made him court painter. Seeing the Italian painters in Dresden preferred to him, he went, in 1734, to Weimar, and did not return until 1742. In 1743 the Elector sent him to Italy, where, in Venice and Rome, he studied the Dutch and Flemish masters, above all, Rembrandt, Ostade, and Poelenburg; is noted for his special talent for reproducing the individual style of other masters. In 1745 he was made inspector of the gallery, and in 1765 professor at the Academy. He was member of the Augsburg, Bologna, and Copenhagen Academies. Works: Wandering Musicians (1745), National Gallery, London; Nymphs Bathing, Woman taken in Adultery, Tribute Money, Hampton Court Palace; The Adulteress (1753), Louvre; Old Man's Head, Rocky Landscape with Hermit, Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Annunciation (1760), Adoration of the Shepherds (1760), Vienna Museum; Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom, 3 Landscapes, Old Pinakothek,