Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/463

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Bacchus, Four Quarters of the Globe, Venus and the Graces, several others, Palazzo Allegri, ib.; Frescos in Palazzi Spolvarini, Murelli, and others, ib.; do. in S. Silvestre, Venice; in Jesuits' Church, Palazzi Tron and Zenobio, ib.; do. representing Patron Saints of Trent and their Martyrdom, Trent Cathedral.—Bellier-Auvray, i. 440; D'Argenville, Abrégé, v. 271; Dussieux, Les Artistes français à l'étranger, 148, 521.

DORIGNY, MICHEL, born at Saint-Quentin (Aisne), in 1617, died in Paris, Feb. 21, 1665. French school; history painter, pupil of Simon Vouet, his father-in-law; received into the Academy in 1663, adjunct professor in 1662, professor in 1664. Works: Flora and Zephyr, Louvre, Paris; Allegory, Madrid Museum.—Bellier-Auvray, i. 440.

DORINDA WOUNDED, Guercino, Dresden Gallery; canvas, H. 7 ft. 3 in. × 9 ft. 10 in. Dorinda in the arms of Linco, who shows her wound to Silvio (Guarini's "Pastor Fido"). Painted for Alfonso de Novellara; bought in 1744 in Madrid as a Correggio. Engraved by L. S. Lempereur.

DORNER, JOHANN JAKOB, the elder, born at Ehrenstetten, Breisgau, in 1741, died in Munich, May 22, 1813. German school; history and genre painter, pupil in Freiburg of Rösch, and from 1759 in Augsburg, of Ignaz Bauer; visited North Italy and went to Munich, where, in 1762, he became court painter, and, after a visit to the Netherlands and Paris, in 1766-68, inspector, and in 1777 director of the Gallery. Works: Female Storekeeper (1775), Old Pinakothek, Munich; Portrait of Artist, Augsburg Gallery; seven genre scenes, Schleissheim Gallery.—Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 354; Brockhaus, v. 493.

DORNER, JOHANN JAKOB, the younger, born in Munich, July 7, 1775, died there, Dec. 14, 1852. German school; landscape painter, son and pupil of Johann Jakob the elder, but formed himself chiefly through study from nature; took Claude Lorrain and Karel du Jardin for his models. He visited Switzerland and France in 1801-3, and after his return was made restorer, and in 1808 inspector of the Royal Gallery, in 1815 member of the Hanau, in 1820 of the Vienna and Berlin, and in 1824 of the Munich academies. Works: Views of Landshut and Munich; Environs of Paris; Rhine-Valley near Freiburg; Rocky Landscape near Kochel Lake; The Staubbach near Rütli; Waterfall over Steep Rocks, Storm in Lech Valley, Landscape with Mill near Pasing, View of Walchen Lake, New Pinakothek, Munich Gallery; thirty-six Landscapes in Schleissheim Gallery; Wood-Path (1817), National Gallery, Berlin.—Brockhaus, v. 493; Nagler, Mon., iii. 869.

DORNER, JOHANN KONRAD, born at Egg, near Bregenz, in 1810, died in Rome in 1866. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of the Munich Academy under Cornelius; went in 1835 to St. Petersburg, where he painted mostly portraits, besides altarpieces, and was made member of the Academy; returned to Munich and went in 1855 to Rome, where he acquired reputation through historical compositions and genre scenes. Works: Madonna with St. John; another picture with Saints, Munich Gallery.—Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 354; Brockhaus, v. 494.

DOROTHEA. See Fornarina.

DOROTHEUS, Roman painter, 1st century A.D. Painted for the Emperor Nero a copy of the Venus Anadyomene of Apelles after the original had become impaired by time.—Pliny, xxxv. 36 [9].

DORPH, ANTON (LAURIDS JOHANNES), born at Horsens, Jutland, Feb. 15, 1831. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy under Marstrand; went to North Italy and Paris in 1854, where he studied for a few months under Couture; visited Holland, France, and Italy in 1859. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1871. Works: Peasant Girl knitting (1854), Copenhagen Gallery; Christ on the Cross (1858); Fishermen at Sorrento (1861); Street Scene at Sorrento (1862); Christ with Martha and Mary, St. Stephen's, Copenhagen; Ascension, Trinity