Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/466

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and many princes are distinguished for colouring, conception, and likeness. Works: Susanna at the Bath, Bathsheba Bathing, portrait of Elector of Cologne, Cassel Gallery; Portraits in Augsburg and Munich Galleries, in the Uffizi (5), and in Pal. Pitti (5), Florence. His son Bartholomeus (born 1688) painted many portraits in his manner. Works: The Three Graces, female portrait, Cassel Gallery.—Immerzeel, i. 193.

DOUW. See Dou.

DOUZETTE, LOUIS, born at Triebsees, Pommerania, in 1834. Landscape painter, pupil in Berlin of Eschke; was at first a house painter for five years, then painted flowers and small landscapes. In 1864 he visited Rügen and the Baltic coast, and in 1865 Sweden. Works: Miller's Farm by Moonlight, Midnight Sun at Tornea, Moonlight Night in Winter (1865); Village Smithy in Winter, Landscape near Söderham, Swedish Coast by Moonlight (1866); Farm-House after Storm, Moonlight on Ruins, Landscape in the Mark, At Forester's House (1867-68); Winter Evening in the Woods (1875); Moonlight on Mill-Pond, Dutch Canal by Moonlight, Wood-Hut at Moonrise.—Meyer, Con. Lex., xviii. 252; Müller, 142.

DOW (Douw), SIMON VAN, born in Antwerp about 1630, died there after 1677. Flemish school; landscape and animal painter; master of the guild in 1654. Works: Cavalry Skirmish in a Landscape, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna; Horse and Cattle Show, Schwerin Museum; Landscape with Figures and Cattle (1671), Lille Museum.—Van den Branden, 1036.

DOYEN, GABRIEL FRANÇOIS, born in Paris in 1726, died in St. Petersburg, June 5, 1806. French school; history painter, pupil of Carle van Loo; obtained the grand prize in 1746, and in 1750 went to Rome, where he studied the works of Annibale Carracci, Lanfranco, and Pietro da Cortona, and thence to Naples, to study Solimena. Returned to France in 1755, became member of the Academy in 1759, and professor in 1776. In 1791 Catharine II. called him to St. Petersburg, where he was nominated professor at the Academy and continued in favor under Paul I. Works: Le Miracle des Ardents, St. Roch, Paris; Death of St. Louis, St. Eustache, Paris; Triumph of Amphitrite, Louvre; Portrait of Crébillon, Rouen Museum; Study of a Head, Nantes Musem; Adoration of the Magi, Darmstadt Museum; Virginia killed by her Father in the presence of Appius Claudius, Parma Museum: Andromache and Astyanax, in Parma; Triumph of Metellus, Andromache, Diomed Fighting (Prince Youssoupof); and others in Russia.—Ch. Blanc, École française, ii.; Bellier de Chavignerie, i. 445; Lejeune, Guide, iii. 82.

DOYEN, GUSTAVE, born at Festieux (Aisne), Dec. 29, 1837. Figure and portrait painter, pupil of Bouguereau and of Reverchon. Medal, 3d class, 1882. Works: Interrupted Reading (1875); Jealousy (1876); Contemplation (1878); The Lesson (1879); Musical Matinée, Portrait (1880); Joan of Arc, Bather (1881); The Old Woman (1882); On the Bank of a Brook (1883).

DOYLE, RICHARD, born in London in 1826, died there in 1883. Water-colour painter and caricaturist; son and pupil of John Doyle (1797-1868), caricaturist. Is best known as a contributer of drawings to Punch and as a book-illustrator, but has also exhibited many water-colour drawings at the Grosvenor Gallery. Among those in